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August Champions League - Sporting Odds


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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds Congrats Ed:nana , hope the kids and the dog recover from the noise you made, they are all shaking :rollin . Robbie:spank for doing that to our nerves. Unlucky though and bad luck Djuju if you come visiting.

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds Grrr - if I hadn't tried slowplaying my full house on the flop I could've got DPBee down to a couple of chips early on, and maybe bumped 68 and Robbie up a place each! Very well played to all the PL'ers in the money :)

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds Right then, where to start. Finally managed to peel myself off the ceiling :lol . Many many thanks to all of yi, I assure yi it means a helluva lot. Sharpe, we will be having words, I bet early doors and you go all in :eek This is huge for me, only been playing 9 months and to win something like this playing alongside the calibre of the PL crew is, as I said, HUGE :ok Robbie you played a stormer and unlucky at the end :clap Djuju not a PL'r (yet) you did yourself proud you aggresive git :clap All the folk who gave me the late night support, you know who you are, Andy :ok Diane :ok Stef :ok DAN DAN, Mole, teaulc, morlspin, Jaded :clap :clap :clap :clap Half pished now so probably talking rubbish :beer Cheers guys :ok

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds Onwards to next month....(especially for those of us lower down the league :\ ) I'm planning on doing a post 1 table update rather than keep posting a new table each time, unless anyone has any strong objections? Does mean you can't compare how you've moved up/down the table each time as I delete the previous version, but I could add a column showing previous position if you want? Any thoughts...

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds

Onwards to next month....(especially for those of us lower down the league :\ ) I'm planning on doing a post 1 table update rather than keep posting a new table each time, unless anyone has any strong objections? Does mean you can't compare how you've moved up/down the table each time as I delete the previous version, but I could add a column showing previous position if you want? Any thoughts...
I have some thoughts :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :gimme :dude :dude :dude :dude :dude :dude :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds

Onwards to next month....(especially for those of us lower down the league :\ ) I'm planning on doing a post 1 table update rather than keep posting a new table each time, unless anyone has any strong objections? Does mean you can't compare how you've moved up/down the table each time as I delete the previous version, but I could add a column showing previous position if you want? Any thoughts...
happy with post 1, good idea, saves searching through is it possible to add a column of profit/loss, like GAf does in the PL MTT tables ? Cheers Mike
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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds

I have some thoughts :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :gimme :dude :dude :dude :dude :dude :dude :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :cow :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
That's a great thought - you should hang on to it for several days,...... at least!:notworthy
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