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**Poker Monday 31st July**


**Poker Monday 31st July**  

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    • 16:30 Nordicbnet $3500 Freeroll
    • 18:00 Europoker Fishtank
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Bet365 Raked Hands Daily Freeroll
    • 20:00 Sporting Odds Tikay Tourney
    • 21:15 poker.co.uk PL MTT
    • 23:59 Last chance this month to qualify for Blue Square Bubble

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Monday 31st July** GaF, I've voted to play in a couple of games tonight BUT just got in from work and the missus has reminded me we are seeing some friends over the weekend :\ Have a good time then i said, I'm in Brum playing poker ;) Que long silence Better spend some time with her tonight to make up for me being away at the weekend :ok GL tonight guys and gals :hope Will check in later and hope to read loads of success stories :cheers

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Re: **Poker Monday 31st July** They don't call me Kermit the Destroyer for nothing!! Hand #383716352 at table: Tikays Tournament Started: Mon Jul 31 20:26:56 2006 jolly67 is at seat 2 with 2605.00 red_simon is at seat 3 with 2070.00 SSpiersey is at seat 4 with 2260.00 Buffel is at seat 5 with 2400.00 spiz0r1911 is at seat 6 with 2440.00 onenote is at seat 7 with 2375.00 tikay1 is at seat 8 with 2425.00 JadedJ is at seat 9 with 2715.00 apophis is at seat 10 with 2335.00 onenote posts the large blind 50.00 spiz0r1911 posts the small blind 25.00 spiz0r1911: --, -- onenote: --, -- tikay1: --, -- JadedJ: 5h, 2h apophis: --, -- jolly67: --, -- red_simon: --, -- SSpiersey: --, -- Buffel: --, -- Pre-flop: tikay1: Raise 300.00 JadedJ: Raise 600.00 apophis: Fold jolly67: Fold red_simon: Fold SSpiersey: Fold Buffel: Fold spiz0r1911: Fold onenote: Fold tikay1: Call 600.00 Flop (Board: 3h, 9d, 7d): tikay1: Check JadedJ: Bet 750.00 tikay1: Fold JadedJ wins the pot of 1275.00 by default (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: **Poker Monday 31st July** Sorry Sam (my QQ just took out her JJ, amidst general surprise that I had an actual hand for once.) BTW, apologies to anyone I'm winding up by showing on blatant steals (J2o just took TQM's BB... :$ ), just want Tikay to think I'm even crazier than I am!!

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Re: **Poker Monday 31st July**

come to think of it was this password protected I dont think i put a password in. Confused?
It's not password protected, but you can only see it if you download from the PL link........
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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Monday 31st July**

GaF, I've voted to play in a couple of games tonight BUT just got in from work and the missus has reminded me we are seeing some friends over the weekend :\ Have a good time then i said, I'm in Brum playing poker ;) Que long silence Better spend some time with her tonight to make up for me being away at the weekend :ok GL tonight guys and gals :hope Will check in later and hope to read loads of success stories :cheers
woohoo :nana Love my missus, see you in the poker.co league game tonight :ok
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Re: **Poker Monday 31st July** JUST BEEN CALLED A DIK OFF OUR OWN STEVIEP, COS OF MY PLAY HERE, SAID HE KNEW HE HAD ME ON THE FLOP AND I SHOULDNT HAVE CALLED,.....DID I DO ANYTHING WRONG.....U DECIDE Hand #383756909 at table: Tikays Tournament Started: Mon Jul 31 20:57:04 2006 Indstrctbl is at seat 1 with 7048.00 steviep23 is at seat 2 with 4290.00 MR-CHIPS is at seat 3 with 4365.00 DPbee is at seat 4 with 2505.00 hilberto is at seat 5 with 4340.00 morlspin1 is at seat 6 with 5843.00 schottgun is at seat 7 with 1269.00 MCFC66 is at seat 10 with 1380.00 morlspin1 posts the large blind 150.00 hilberto posts the small blind 75.00 hilberto: --, -- morlspin1: Jh, 9c schottgun: --, -- MCFC66: --, -- Indstrctbl: --, -- steviep23: --, -- MR-CHIPS: --, -- DPbee: --, -- Pre-flop: schottgun: Fold MCFC66: Fold Indstrctbl: Fold steviep23: Raise 450.00 MR-CHIPS: Fold DPbee: Fold hilberto: Fold morlspin1: Call 450.00 Flop (Board: 4d, 9h, 10h): morlspin1: Bet 600.00 steviep23: Raise 1800.00 morlspin1: Call 1800.00 Turn (Board: 4d, 9h, 10h, Jc): morlspin1: Bet 2250.00 steviep23: All in Showdown: steviep23 shows: Ah, 10c (a pair of Tens) morlspin1 shows: Jh, 9c (two pair, Jacks and Nines) River (Board: 4d, 9h, 10h, Jc, 3d): Mainpot: morlspin1 wins the pot of 8655 with two pair, Jacks and Nines (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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