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To call or not to call?


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PokerStars Game #5720933242: Tournament #28951804, $1.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2006/07/29 - 06:24:54 (ET) Table '28951804 5' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: Aangus (2625 in chips) Seat 2: Jay4589 (1855 in chips) Seat 3: PokerBarney2 (1312 in chips) Seat 5: DonTomato (1790 in chips) Seat 6: robplaygame (1255 in chips) Seat 7: GUL- (2850 in chips) Seat 8: PauleP (2070 in chips) Seat 9: ozbarn (2485 in chips) Jay4589: posts small blind 25 PokerBarney2: posts big blind 50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PokerBarney2 [Qd 8s] DonTomato: folds robplaygame: folds GUL-: calls 50 PauleP: folds ozbarn: folds Aangus: folds Jay4589: folds PokerBarney2: checks *** FLOP *** [2h Jd Qc] PokerBarney2: checks GUL-: bets 50 PokerBarney2: raises 100 to 150 GUL-: calls 100 *** TURN *** [2h Jd Qc] [3h] PokerBarney2: bets 200 GUL-: calls 200 *** RIVER *** [2h Jd Qc 3h] [Ah] PokerBarney2: checks GUL-: bets 2450 and is all-in PokerBarney2: ??? No reads on villain.

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Re: To call or not to call? With no reads on your opponent, I can see absolutely no way you can contemplate calling - dead cert fold for me....... At a $1 buy in, entirely possible your opponent has anything and you could have him beat, but still no way you can call. There is way too much that beats you!!! I don't like the check raise post flop - your hand isn't that strong!!!!!

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Re: To call or not to call? fold in a heart beat, he has the flush, at this level he ain't bluffing. Your raise at the turn of 4 x BB, getting called would worry me. My read on him is he has a pocket pair maybe 10's ? One of which is a heart, he now has a made flush and you're in big trouble. I know it's easy to say looking from here, but I think you should have pushed on the turn, I think he'd have folded.

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Re: To call or not to call? No way you can call this, $1 buy-in or not. Asides from it just being plain not worth risking that much with such a weak hand on a bet that big even if it came out of nowhere, the Ah on the river completes loads of draws so the bet is credible. It's possible he's just bluffing you with nothing, but he should be able to bluff you off a hand like that, if you can't be bluffed off certain kinds of hands you're not playing well - if you call and win it's still a bad call unless you can specifically articulate what you think he has. And don't like the check raise either, especially for such a small amount, it doesn't clarify anything and your hand is weak. He's likely to call you with any part of the flop/overcards etc there so you won't know where you stand - and you're then in a position where you have to bet more than your hand justifies on the turn, or look weak and invite him to take the pot.

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Re: To call or not to call? I too am folding and I would bet out on the flop with top pair however, I DO like the check raise, nice move and why not with top pair? if he has no Q you are MILES ahead, and you know he is calling with his KJ..... Though I would c/r to about 200-250, make him pay to call, another 100 is not much with KJ or Ax to call with. Nice play on the flop, and a nice fold on the end i hope! Damo

With no reads on your opponent, I can see absolutely no way you can contemplate calling - dead cert fold for me....... At a $1 buy in, entirely possible your opponent has anything and you could have him beat, but still no way you can call. There is way too much that beats you!!! I don't like the check raise post flop - your hand isn't that strong!!!!!
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Re: To call or not to call? Heh. Unfortunately not a nice fold on the end. I convinced myself that a sane person would value bet on the end, not go all-in. So I called, and he did indeed have A2.. So yes, I should've CR more. Then pushed the turn. Ah well, we live and learn.

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