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WSOP Main Event


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Re: WSOP Main Event Sat Jul 29 15:01:00 PDT 2006 Rafe Furst Makes A Great Laydown A player in middle position re-raises Rafe Furst to $1,500 and Furst makes the call. The flop comes 10diamond.gif6diamond.gif3diamond.gif and his opponent bets $3,000. Furst immediately folds Qheart.gifQspade.gif face up. His opponent shows Adiamond.gifAclub.gif. Furst is down to $11,200. Sat Jul 29 15:18:00 PDT 2006 Tiffany Williamson Eliminated Mark Shoichet raises preflop to $600 and Tiffany Williamson makes the call. The flop comes 9-4-3 and Shoichet bets $600. Williamson raises to $3,000 and Shoichet goes all-in. Williamson then asks Shoichet, "Do you have trips?" After 5 minutes, Shoichet calls the clock on Williamson. She calls and turns over 10-10. Shoichet has K-K and the board bricks out for Williamson, who is eliminated early on in the championship event.

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Re: WSOP Main Event

by Howard Swains The best thing about Day 1 of the main event of the World Series is that it goes on forever. We were playing yesterday, we will be playing today - and tomorrow we will be playing again. And the next day. Yesterday's broken dreams are today's fresh hopes. We have lost a few we loved but have found new friends. The worst thing about Day 1 of the main event of the World Series is that it goes on forever. We were playing yesterday, we will be playing today - and tomorrow we will be playing again. And the next day. We are still only a quarter of the way through the earliest despair. We feel as though we have been moving forward although we have been standing still. But let's focus on the bright side. Another day, another ten thousand dollars and another chance to grow acquainted with some qualifiers and hope they stay for keeps. Hugh Kirton, from London, is certainly easy to grow acquainted with. Whether he stays for keeps is another matter. "This could be the shortest World Series I've ever played!" he bellowed across the Amazon room a moment ago. "Look! Look, I'm all in," he said. hugh-kirton.jpg Duty bound, I trudged in his direction to see his entire stack sprayed across the baize. The board showed 4d-9d-Qs. His opponent was in the tank. Hugh, conspicuous in resplendent pink bandana and PokerStars basketball vest, was grinning. "I call," said the adversary and flipped over pocket four for bottom set. Hugh, as many who play regularly against him in Britain, doesn't necessarily have to be holding much to make this kind of play. But in this instance he had outs. Several. In fact, his 10d-Jd gave him plenty of possibilities, but when the turn was a blank, the "Iron" Kirton was standing and heading back to the craps table and cash games, where he had spent most of the night. That is, until the king spiked on the river, making the straight for Hugh and outdrawing those fours. "Oh," he said. "I'm back." Then he let us all in on a secret. "Loose weak! That's the style," he admitted. "Loose weak." We haven't heard the last of this.
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Re: WSOP Main Event

201253034_3aadbd5e39.jpg?v=0 PARTYPOKER.NET SPONSORS FIRST THREE-GENERATIONAL FAMILY EVER IN WORLD SERIES OF POKER The Gouldings of Melbourne FL Range From 22 to 91—and Take Their Poker Seriously! GIBRALTAR (July 29, 2006) – This is one family you don’t want to bluff! Victor Goulding, 91; Rick Goulding, 52, and Brenton Goulding, 22 of Melbourne, Fla., are breaking new ground today—as the first ever three-generational family to play in a World Series of Poker (www.worldseriesofpoker.com) Main Event. Sponsored by PartyPoker.net (www.partypoker.net), the Gouldings—led by the irrepressible granddad Victor - have come en masse to lay their cards on the table against thousands of other competitors in the largest WSOP ever. “We at PartyPoker.net are proud to sponsor a family who remind us all that poker is a game of fun and skill for people of all ages,” said Warren Lush, PartyPoker.net spokesman. Poker fans may recognize Victor from last year, when in one of the classic moments on the ESPN broadcast, he was given a “time out” for cursing. At 91, he is the oldest player in the field this year, as well as last year, Victor says, “I’m very passionate about my poker. I can’t wait to play again. And, I hope to be here next year, too!” However, it’s the first appearance at the WSOP Main Event for son Rick, a retired plastic surgeon-turned-film producer and grandson Brenton, a philosophy student at the University of Florida. The entire family is in Vegas to cheer them on and that includes Brenton’s brothers– Blane 19, Barrett 17, and Bryce Goulding, 13 (affectionately known as the B GEES among their friends). Grandad Victor, who counts among his exploits going head-to-head with Amarillo Slim and bringing poker to New Guinea in 1943 during WWII, plays online regularly to stay sharp. The most any of the three have won online to date is $2,500. But that doesn’t begin to tell the tale of their competitiveness, passed down from generation to generation. “Brenton is the best player in our very competitive home games,” says Rick, the proud pop. ”He probably wins six out of every 10. I, unfortunately, am at the bottom of the ladder.” That doesn’t stop his son Brenton from dreaming that they all advance in the tournament. “Wouldn’t it be funny if–out of all those thousands of people–I ended up on a table with my dad or granddad,” he says. “I hope it would go the way of our home games!”
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Re: WSOP Main Event A couple of the stars have been knocked out overnight - Sat Jul 29 21:44:00 PDT 2006 After limping into the pot, Doyle Brunson calls a raise of $700 from a player behind him. The flop comes 10club.gif10diamond.gif6club.gif and both players check. The turn brings the 5club.gif and Brunson fires out $2,000. His opponent calls. The river brings the 7spade.gif and Doyle pushes all-in for $4,575. His opponent thinks for a short time and finally calls, showing Kheart.gif10heart.gif. Doyle shows 9-9 in the hole and is eliminated. Doyle received a loud standing ovation upon leaving the Amazon Room. Sat Jul 29 16:47:00 PDT 2006 Phill Hellmuth was all-in with A-Q, versus an opponent's pocket 7s. The 7s hold up, and a once short-stcked Phill Hellmuth is now eliminated. I really hope it was some internet qualifier that didn't know what he was doing that knocked Hellmuth out! Steve.

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Re: WSOP Main Event

Sat Jul 29 16:47:00 PDT 2006 Phill Hellmuth was all-in with A-Q, versus an opponent's pocket 7s. The 7s hold up, and a once short-stcked Phill Hellmuth is now eliminated. I really hope it was some internet qualifier that didn't know what he was doing that knocked Hellmuth out!
Please, please, please let it have been the chimpanzee! http://www.monkeyshare.net/ Though I imagine they'd have mentioned if it had been.
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Re: WSOP Main Event :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin They have given the players an All In chip that they can use instead of moving their (stupidly big) chip stacks in. This strikes me as the worst idea since pancake underwear and frankly I'd take the chip, stick it in my pocket and never take it out again. But not so for one matey boy who used it.... wait for it.... as his card protector. Oh yes, you *know* where this is going dont you. You can see it coming like a car crash but you just can't look away... Mateyboy went to casually flick his cards out from under it and it landed in the pot... the floor ruled he was all in (ridiculous ruling) and holding 9,5o he was called by pocket 9's. He's still in but if he's that thick my guess is... not for long. :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

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Guest gazza271

Re: WSOP Main Event

:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin They have given the players an All In chip that they can use instead of moving their (stupidly big) chip stacks in. This strikes me as the worst idea since pancake underwear and frankly I'd take the chip, stick it in my pocket and never take it out again. But not so for one matey boy who used it.... wait for it.... as his card protector. Oh yes, you *know* where this is going dont you. You can see it coming like a car crash but you just can't look away... Mateyboy went to casually flick his cards out from under it and it landed in the pot... the floor ruled he was all in (ridiculous ruling) and holding 9,5o he was called by pocket 9's. He's still in but if he's that thick my guess is... not for long. :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
PMSL, Thats the sort of thing i would do :$
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Re: WSOP Main Event

:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin They have given the players an All In chip that they can use instead of moving their (stupidly big) chip stacks in. This strikes me as the worst idea since pancake underwear and frankly I'd take the chip, stick it in my pocket and never take it out again. :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
What's wrong with pancake underwear? You just have to go a little easy on the lemon.
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Re: WSOP Main Event Chip and a chair........ Mon Jul 31 13:03:00 PDT 2006 Newitt Crippled, But Recovers a Bit Seat 10 raises to $250 from the cutoff and Jason Newitt reraises to $750 from the big blind. Seat 10 calls and the flop comes J-5-5. Newitt bets $1,000 and seat 10 raises to $4,000. Newitt goes into the tank for 5 minutes and then calls. The turn comes a 10, Newitt checks, and seat 10 bets $4,000. Newitt moves all-in and seat 10 calls putting himself all-in with 10-10 and Newitt shows A-A. The river is a 2 and Newitt is down to $400 in chips. Newitt moves all-in with 7-5 and flops a straight to double up. The next hand, he is all-in again with 10-8 and rivers a straight, increasing his chip count to $2,700

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Re: WSOP Main Event Here's a quality way of throwing away your $10k entry fee - Mon Jul 31 15:37:00 PDT 2006 First Disqualification of the Series A player has just been disqualified from the main event. He was putting chips into his pocket when he was caught by a floorman. The player claimed that he heard it was ok to hide chips in his pocket, but that stuff doesn't fly in the World Series. He has been disqualified, and the floorman went on to say that this was the first DQ of it's kind for the entire WSOP. His chips were confiscated and removed from play. Well done Joe on making it through Day 1 - and good luck for Day 2!!:ok Steve.

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Re: WSOP Main Event not the same story as Cardplayer steve. First Disqualification of the Series A player has just been disqualified from the main event. He was putting chips into his pocket when he was caught by a floorman. The player claimed that he was told he could transfer his chips in his pocket, but the tournament director explained why it was against the rules at the World Series. If a player takes tournament chips out of sight, they are no longer in play. This is done to prevent chip dumping and counterfeit chips from entering tournament play. The player has been disqualified, and the floorman went on to say that this was the first disqualification of it's kind for this year's WSOP. Last year, a player was also eliminated by carrying his chips in his pocket. His chips were confiscated and removed from play. If a player were to only put some of his chips in his pocket, only those chips would be removed, and he would still be able to continue playing with the remainder of his chips. When players are moved or tables are broken, the tournament directors make sure to give the players chip racks and tell them not to remove the chips from sight. The eye in the sky is always watching.

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