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Unexploitable Heads Up play


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Re: Unexploitable Heads Up play This particular strategy, I assume, has been derived from thousands if not millions of simulations. These simulations make certain assumptions about the ability and decisions of your opponent, namely that he is aware of NE. If you are both playing the NE solution then you will win 50% of the time and he will be unable to use any superior skills he may have because you are following an exact plan. However in practice even in this ideal situation you will find yourself following winning and losing streaks due to probability as you wander about the 'bell curve'. In real life you are better off being aware of the playable range of hands and create a strategy based on what you have learned about your opponent. Think about Deal or No Deal the NE strategy there would be to refuse any offer which was less than the average of the remaining boxes. However the Banker always offers less than the average so you would have to always just take what's in the box. Over time you would get on average (I think) about £40,000 BUT you only have 1 shot so you can't use the NE solution.

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Re: Unexploitable Heads Up play They look at a heads up with stacks of 8000 and fixed blinds of 300/600 and describe an "all-in" strategy that will be beat any other strategy (not just an "all-in" one) at least 48.6% of the time. I repeat not a winning strategy but a loss minimising strategy.

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Re: Unexploitable Heads Up play no, thats the whole point its your SB and you shove 72 - unless your oppo has AA he cannot guarentee to be ahead PF and that the basis of shove or fold play, exploiting the fear of playing marginal hands that might be ahead (K10, QJ etc) hands that look good but are vulnerable to PP's or Ax I am not a fan of this strategy and have said so a couple of times on 2+2 and have been shouted down, as the mantra there is shove or fold (then again I am not 12Xtabling the $215's and making a 6 figure sum every year Damo

playing mathematically HU is surely easily exploitable by your opponent' date=' no matter how much R you have[/quote']
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