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Welcome to Vix!


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incase anyone missed this, and just to make her feel a lil more welcome, id like to say :welcome to Punterslounge Vix Well done on your win last night and hang around, this place is the place to be and everyone here is great!:ok im usually morlspin online but hebburnlad on prima......now....strip poker ;)

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Re: Welcome to Vix! :welcome Vix. I'm very lazy about making Welcome posts but that's not because I don't like the people here. I've been to two events where there have been 15+ PL'ers present and have thoroughly enjoyed everyone's company. I promise you that you won't regret persevering with this forum.

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Re: Welcome to Vix! :welcome Vix. Sorry I missed another good result for you last night...:( (Gaf? - Vix is the person who explained to me how its possible to abuse the allin protection) Anyway, I hope you like it here now you've found us, and stick around. :ok :ok

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Re: Welcome to Vix! Hey Vix :welcome to Punters Lounge - I have spoken to you on Mansion but had no reply and thought that you had your chat off. :eyes And I also said :welcomeon your thread in general chat. (duplicate of the strip poker event). Glad you found us and will stick around, there is soooooooooo much to gain from being on PL with the guys/gals. :ok

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Re: Welcome to Vix! :welcome Vix I'm sorry we haven't been able to make you feel welcome - that's not the way we want PL to be - it is a frindly place and should be open and welcoming to all :-) Not wishing to make excuses, but the forum has shown absolutely staggering growth recently, and I think we're all struggling to keep up - just reading all of the messages is hard, and often (speaking for myself) a lot of them are now skimmed over......and I reply to a far smaller proportion now than I used to. I imagine its the same for everyone. We also see a lot of newcomers who make one or two posts, then we don't see them again (is that because we don't make them feel welcome enough? :unsure) - in fact new people arrive almost daily now and it is hard to keep up with - at the beginning - you are just a handle - we know nothing about you, about your poker or your personality - as you spend time with us, through your posts and through the games you play with us, we get to know you a little .......... and you get to know us and hopefullywe all feel happy around one another..... but I can appreciate it's hard coming into the group from the outside..... but stick with it and you will soon see yourself as a fully fledged member (which is how we will see you) :ok So, again, :welcome to the family and I look forward to seeing you around and pitting my wits against you over the poker table :)

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