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US Bank ~ PGA Golf

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Best odds/All oddsv15.gifv6004.gifv6074.gifv6118.gifv1.gifv6006.gifv6073.gifv2.gifv3.gifv6007.gifv6002.gifv10.gifv6018.gifv502.gifv6001.gifv4.gifv6005.gif
Perry, K1715171715151717151717171717171518
Verplank, S1719171917171917191717191517171519.5
Crane, B2121212117192121192119212121171720
Cink, S2121171921212121212121192121231722
O'Hern, N2629262934292934262929292926262630
Slocum, H3429342934262934343429292934342632
Bohn, J3434342934343426292634292926263435
Van Pelt, B3434343434363426342634343434343437
Choi, KJ3429343434414134413434342941344139
Stricker, S3434343434344126342634343426343440
Sluman, J3434413441413434343434342941414144
Kelly, J3441414141294141414129413441344146
Leonard, J--343441------34NR-51--
Taylor, V--515151------51NR----
Quigley, B5141414141295151415129414117513450
Funk, F51-515151345141514151515151515160
Herron, T4141414141515151515141415151514162
Chopra, D--675167------51-----
Henry, JJ--515167------51NR-51--
Howell, C6767515151676767676767515167516760
Moore, R6751675151514167516741514167516760
Leaney, S6767515151416751515151516751675162
Pernice, T6751675167516767-6751515151516762
Browne, O--816767------67NR-81--
Byrd, J8167516781518167676751676751675156
Maruyama, D6767676751515151675167678151516764
Green, N81678181676781518151818181-675168
Imada, R6767816767518167676767678151675172
Wetterich, B6751676767816767676767678151816772
Flesch, S6767515167676781678167516767515178
Mahan, H8167818181678181678167818181816778
Andrade, B8167816767678151675167676767676780
Faxon, B8181818181678167816781818181818188
Hayes, J-P8151818181678151515151818167818188
Staton, K---------------101-
Gay, B815181816781811016710167818181818188
Estes, B81818181678110181101811018167818110192
Austin, W101101811018167101101101101101101816710110194
Branshaw, D81671018110167816781676781818110110194
Dickerson, B81816781101678141674181818141815194
Calcavecchia, M811018167676710167676767676767816798
Lowery, S81816767416781816781101675167816798
Sheehan, P8181101818181101811018151811011018110198
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Re: US Bank ~ PGA Golf A poor event this week in the US, with Kenny Perry favourite you dont have to be a brainiac to realise its substandard. Anyway just two bets; J.Kelly Outright 40/1 General (1/4 12345) Jerry Kelly played last week which puts me off a bit but at this price is worth a chance against some guys who have had lots of chances. Kelly is steadily coming into form and showed his well being with a good display last week. C.Franco Top Non American 16/1 (1/5 1234) Franco has let me down this season a few times but in a very weak ROTW market he must have a chance to shine this week, the market includes the Europeans aswell but only a handful are taking part and none look likely to me. Nick O'Hern is 7/2 fav and will probrably win it but its too short. BH

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