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**Poker Wednesday 26th July**


**Poker Wednesday 26th July**  

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    • 18:00 Europoker Fish Tank
    • 19:45 Blue Square bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Bet365 Raked Hands Daily Freeroll
    • 20:00 Mansion $500 Added
    • 21:00 Sporting Odds PL MTT League $ Challenge

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 26th July**

jesus!!! Just played the Austria daily. What a bunch of muppets!!! First off lose half my stack to a bloke who calls my AQ raise preflop with 67 and makes 2 pair. I hit my ace so put him all in!! Then short stacked cos of Muppet no1 I call an all in to my left with A8h then another bloke calls. Me an all in 1 both have A8 the last guy has called both all ins with 9 10 and flops the str8!!!! MUPPETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wall:wall

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 26th July** got a seat to the mansion mirror dome final on sunday (2nd/804) ..... but i feel invisible here so am quite sure you guys won't acknowledge my achievement unless/until i beat one of you in the final sunday night. Sorry to be pissy, but, i feel soooooooooo very unwelcome here (other than the cheerful and polite replies to my first post) - it feels like i'm intruding on a clique as opposed to taking a tender and well-intentioned step forward into joining a community. Vic xx P.S WTFG washman!!

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 26th July** Hi Vix, congrats on getting through to the Mirror final :clap :clap :clap - its better than I've done in the few attempts I've had to qualify. Sorry you feel unwelcome - I'm sure its unintentional and having met a few of the guys and gals at various PL events I can assure you that they are all ok people and very friendly. If you see me around on any of the poker sites (philossify, phil2211, phil85331 or variations somewhat like that) say hello. I tend to be in a lot of the Mansion freerolls at moment as my poker has been in a two week lull (bad beats and loose play). At least playing freerolls its hard to lose much momey. Once I get my mojo back :D (it may be returning as I got 2nd in the $500 freeroll tonight) I'll start playing real (entry fee) games again. :welcome

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 26th July** Hey Phil Thx for the msg, I'm soooooooo aware that it's completely probably unintentional. Having run forums like this myself over the past 5 years or so I know how it can get .......... from my personal point of view, it feels like a struggle to get acknowledged to be honest, and it's not pleasant and I probably won't bother any more. I think we've played a few times ... on mansion (i'm vix on mansion, victoria on full tilt, vixxxy on ppp, and same on stars and jeffmojo on DBPN) Well done in your 2nd in the $500 freroll tonight. I played a $200 freroll tonight (omaha hi/lo LIMIT) which is the most un-fun game ever. Came 5th which was fine as it was the first time I'd played O8 in forever. Tx for your post, I appreciate it! Vic xxxx

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 26th July**

Hey Phil Thx for the msg, I'm soooooooo aware that it's completely probably unintentional. Having run forums like this myself over the past 5 years or so I know how it can get .......... from my personal point of view, it feels like a struggle to get acknowledged to be honest, and it's not pleasant and I probably won't bother any more. I think we've played a few times ... on mansion (i'm vix on mansion, victoria on full tilt, vixxxy on ppp, and same on stars and jeffmojo on DBPN) Well done in your 2nd in the $500 freroll tonight. I played a $200 freroll tonight (omaha hi/lo LIMIT) which is the most un-fun game ever. Came 5th which was fine as it was the first time I'd played O8 in forever. Tx for your post, I appreciate it! Vic xxxx
Ummmmmm did say hello earlier when on your table in Mirror as have a friend who was interested in ladies open so got info off Sam, but you didnt reply so thought you had chat off....congrats on your qual btw but think you may be a bit off the mark as regards being ignored, this site is THE friendliest and protective of its members BAR NONE!!!! FACT!!! so my advice is stick with it and WATCH THE CHAT BOX MORE :rollin Congrats again and will see you in final(Yeah right :wall ) C.R.
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 26th July** awwwwwww thanks chelski .... i HAD to turn chat off because of some willy who insisted on haunting me after he failed to outdraw me mid-way through ............ turned it back on with an hour or so to go but didn't see your comment :( Thx tho babe, I appreciate your post!!!!! Vic xxxxx P.S ...... was everso amusing that i recognised OvalMan from the forum and said hello to him ...... he didnt reply til i invited him to play naked poker in London. He said 'this is ovalmans son - ovalman will not be coming to play strip poker in london'. I said no worries, and invited the son instead lololol.........

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 26th July**

P.S ...... was everso amusing that i recognised OvalMan from the forum and said hello to him ...... he didnt reply til i invited him to play naked poker in London. He said 'this is ovalmans son - ovalman will not be coming to play strip poker in london'. I said no worries, and invited the son instead lololol.........
:rollin ummmmmmm INVITE ME!!!!!!!!!! (Had to ask now cos i KNOW!!! Morl will when he reads your post :lol :lol :lol ) Stick with it babe, its THE site to be on and get to Brum or a race day and watch the antics :loon you'll love it :rollin C.R.
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 26th July**

:rollin ummmmmmm INVITE ME!!!!!!!!!! (Had to ask now cos i KNOW!!! Morl will when he reads your post :lol :lol :lol ) C.R.
Lol babe, wanna come play naked poker with me in London in August? It's a strip poker tournament, so you'll never get to see ALL my bits as I'm obviously going to win the £10,000 prize ..............
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 26th July**

Lol babe' date=' wanna come play naked poker with me in London in August? It's a strip poker tournament, so you'll never get to see ALL my bits as I'm obviously going to win the £10,000 prize ..............[/quote'] :$ not sure now..................:tongue2 get your self to Brum and we'll chat about it ;) C.R.
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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Wednesday 26th July** :clap :clap Well done vix :clap :clap Make sure you say hello on the tables, I'm always gazza271 or PLgazza271, I think the trouble is during games we are getting so many new members it can be hard to keep track of whose a PL'er :\

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 26th July** Well done Vix :clap and :welcome to PL. As Gazza says it can be very hard to keep up with who is PL and who is not with all the different poker sites and alias's out there. I only play on one site (poker.co.uk) as my PL name, all the rest are De Wolf (or some slight variation). Also many people on here multi table, making time for chat non exisitant. In particular if you join in the PL exclusive games you will be made to feel very welcome at any table you play. Keep at it and you'll find this bunch one of the friendliest and most helpful forums available. And there are some damn good players here which will test your skills and help improve your game (not that it seems to need much improvement judging by the results):ok

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