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Good move? Bad move? Am I mental?


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A hand which caused a lot of action in the chatbox at the time. I figured i had 15 outs (spades, kings and fours), and that villain may be betting on draws or TPNK and would fold. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t200 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: 2+2 Forums) UTG (t3435) UTG+1 (t3188) MP1 (t3910) MP2 (t4100) MP3 (t2150) CO (t3280) Button (t5101) SB (t3010) Hero (t2042) Preflop: Hero is BB with 5spade.gif, Kspade.gif. UTG calls t200, 2 folds, MP2 calls t200, 3 folds, SB completes, Hero checks. Flop: (t800) 6diamond.gif, 2spade.gif, 3spade.gif(4 players) SB bets t600, Hero raises to t1842, UTG folds, MP2 folds, SB calls t1242. ... Final Pot: t4484

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Re: Good move? Bad move? Am I mental? Too over aggressive for me, as despite your outs in essence you are all in on a (semi-?)bluff, but as short stack and with an M of less than 10 (after paying your ante) then I can understand your play if your intention was to take the pot there. I'm guessing small blind had trips or a straight, and you caught a spade on the river?

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Re: Good move? Bad move? Am I mental? I'd have gone all-in like you did without thinking. (Though I must stop going all-in without thinking!) You're favourite against lots of hands he could be betting for value so long as you see it through to the river. And unless he has ace and another spade you're never a huge underdog. A flush and straight draw is an excellent hand to go all-in with.

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Re: Good move? Bad move? Am I mental? I can't see the problem with this play calling is rubbish coz if you don't hit the turn, then what? folding is acceptable shoving is acceptable Damo

A hand which caused a lot of action in the chatbox at the time. I figured i had 15 outs (spades, kings and fours), and that villain may be betting on draws or TPNK and would fold.
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