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Jackpot Sit and Go's


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Re: Jackpot Sit and Go's Hello all, Thank you very much for your suggestion Tank,i appreciate that:ok,but as others have already said it´s difficult to make it look legit,although i think is possible when communicating by Msn for instance.They investigate carefully before awarding the money as Val already said and there are cases where peole were refused the bonus. Most important of all,i would NEVER accept to play in a game like that....if i win thats awsome (it would be good money to spend on my vacations in croatia...leaving next friday:) :nana ) ....if not ...that´s no problem....i´ll keep trying...i have just a few monts of poker so i´m still learning the game,improving by reading this fórum and playing with good players like most of you in here...playing poker is just fun for me. :cheers :cheers Cheers guys p.s. i´m sorry for the mistakes....it is also a good way to improve my english :wall :wall :wall

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Re: Jackpot Sit and Go's Agree with all thats said above, It may be silly but for me personally i prefer to earn whatever i win by playing well etc etc It just wouldnt be the same knowing is was tainted by collusion (which, lets face it, is basically cheating)

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Re: Jackpot Sit and Go's managed 3 in a row earlier today before getting beat with JK by 45s in the 4th its still full of fish.

Finish % Number
1st 30.6% 11
2nd 0.0% 0
3rd 2.8% 1
4th 5.6% 2
5th 11.1% 4
6th 11.1% 4
7th 8.3% 3
8th 0.0% 0
9th 13.9% 5
10th 16.7% 6
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Re: Jackpot Sit and Go's Tank, Regardless of your personal morals or attitudes towards bookmakers the fact is a hell of a lot of goodwill exists between PuntersLounge and bookies, and between the Poker forum and poker sites. It is this goodwill which allows Paul Ross and Gotafancy? to get sponsorship for PL betting competitions, get added value games rom poker sites AND arrange quite a few massive value freerolls, the last one being at Virgin, the one before at Betfair. Because PuntersLounge often has a large number of people playing in the same tournament it can become a target for disgruntled players to complain about to the poker sites (most of whom visit here, and have consulted us on more than one occasion about certain issues). The moderators felt that if so much as one complaint was justified (more than one complaint without foundation has been made) over something we had control over we weren't doing our 'job' and the damage to PuntersLounge could be unlimited, and affect all parts of PL. To ensure this doesn't happen we have to take a hardline stance over any suggestion of collusion or cheating, even the sharing of passwords for certain tournaments is no longer allowed. If you continue to advocate immoral or illegal activity I will be left no alternative but to recommend to the mods that you are no longer allowed to use this forum.

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Re: Jackpot Sit and Go's Also,(and I've tried to stay out of this so far), when you "help" an individual at a table whether in an sng, cash game or anything else , the pure and simple fact is that the other people in that game, that have paid to enter are being cheated from their money and actually the internet site does not suffer as much as the player from the effects of collusion. What do you perceive that the other plasyers have done to deserve sitting down at a game where the advantage of everybody playing for themselves as individuals has been taken anyway. Furthermore, I don't think comments like the ones you have made are very good for people who are looking at forums with a view to starting to play real money and are worried about the risk of people cheating in online poker. If you were as good as you claim you are, cheating would never have crossed your tiny mind

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Re: Jackpot Sit and Go's I accept that you lot do not agree with what I suggested and that is fine and this post which I am about to write is not advocating that we do it just what my thoughts were. Pokerose if all ten players were from PL they would all know what was going on and there wouldn't be anybody being cheated apart from the site. Secondly what has me being good at poker got to do with this thread?? I am not suggesting cheating for myself. I think you are the one with the tiny mind. I don't even think you have read the thread properly.

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Re: Jackpot Sit and Go's Well, ok - 10 people are willing to cheat then its fine! Obviously! Silly me! My problem started when you offered "your help" in your original post. And that you think cheating in online poker - for whatever reason, is ok. It isn't. I apologise if I've missed your point :)

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Re: Jackpot Sit and Go's I think Val had this spot on. PL will not accept any form of cheating no matter what the game. PL is the biggest and best forum on the net and has a fantastic reputation. This will not be tarnished by any individual no mater how important or good you think you are. In my opinion any person who attempts to cheat using this forum who or at a table where it is obvious you are from this forum I will have no hesitition issuing a ban. I am sure I speak for all the MODS and this thread will now be closed. I am sorry for those genuine members who have posted on this thread.

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