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Re: Struggling Barney, if you do your calculation of expected winnings with the 50-30-20 prize structure, I think it actually becomes a fairly close call, assuming the short stacks would fold if you called. The odds are still in favour of calling if you assume you and the other big stack are equally good players, but if you have some reason to think you're a significantly better player than the other guy, then I think that might swing it. Sure, you may well have to get all your chips in later with a worse hand than this, but with any luck that's going to be after one or both of the short stacks are out, so you're already guaranteed a 20% or 30% payout.

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Re: Struggling Chin up Gra, I know you've be havin a tough time online & in our home games recently, I'm sure thing will change soon................

I know I went through a tough stage in March & April, but in the last couple of months I've taken my PP account from $13 (only enough for 1 more game) to $192 and I've only be playing a couple of games after our PL on a monday night.

Have to agree with The Cloud & Pen, I only play a min of STT $10+$1 table, as on the cheaper table every call to the river, because its easy to start a new game!!!! also on the $10 table, the $50 win gives you another 5 games.

Keep going, like I say, we've all been their, I'm sure that light at the end of that tunnel will get brighter soon.

Hope you do well tonight and will see you online Monday night. :ok


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Re: Struggling Ok its response time. First of all thanks for you all taking the time to reply with your advice. I don't go overboard on the bankroll management side of things, but I do have my poker bank separate from my betting bank, and these are both completely separate from my day to day expenses (or should i say my wife's day to day expenses :lol ). I don't want to get in a position where i have to consider a transfer to my poker account hence this thread so for the meantime i will be sticking at the $5 level - I appreciate that leaves me subject to a lower standard of play, but I am not gonna leap in and play any $20-$50 tables, and having played a few $10 ones in the past the standard isn't markedly different, but is twice the buy-in and i don't feel now is the time to move up. TheVillan mentions our home games - thats a completely different card game that leaves me baffled and confused everytime we play, and although it hasn't helped my recent mood, I don't think it has any relevance to my online play. Well I have a new avatar and a new sig to demonstrate my change in attitude and style - I shall de endeavouring to play less hands, and make a better job of the ones I do play. Rocky always wins in the end, through grit, determination, application (and cos he writes the screenplay!!) and so will I!!! Valiant mentioned the 'restricted time' thing and on reflection i have to say he is spot on, I have been playing more hands than i should. Any way I'm off to try it all out - apologies in advance if i end up 'pwning' of of you in the process :loon

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Re: Struggling One thing I would like to add hyper. I have been playing on and off for about 4 years now. I have the skill of someone of about one maybe two years experience however. Ther reason? I dont play ALL the time. I dip in and out. Poker is highly addictive as we know but it is my experience that to win you need to be in a certain frame of mind as much as anything else. If you have had a little drink, dont play. If you are tired from getting in from work dont play. If you have to be somewhere in two hours dont play. The list goes on. You should only be sitting down when you WANT to play and you KNOW your going to do well. If you start playing 6 hours a day for the sake of it chances are youll play badly cos your bored/tired/drunk whatever. It is better to play one STT a week and win it, than play 20 and show a small loss after winning 2 and losing the rest. Ah the Zen of poker. I almost sound like I know what im talking about :)

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Re: Struggling

One thing I would like to add hyper. I have been playing on and off for about 4 years now. I have the skill of someone of about one maybe two years experience however. Ther reason? I dont play ALL the time. I dip in and out. Poker is highly addictive as we know but it is my experience that to win you need to be in a certain frame of mind as much as anything else. If you have had a little drink, dont play. If you are tired from getting in from work dont play. If you have to be somewhere in two hours dont play. The list goes on. You should only be sitting down when you WANT to play and you KNOW your going to do well. If you start playing 6 hours a day for the sake of it chances are youll play badly cos your bored/tired/drunk whatever. It is better to play one STT a week and win it, than play 20 and show a small loss after winning 2 and losing the rest. Ah the Zen of poker. I almost sound like I know what im talking about :)
i fully agree. for me possibly the MOST important thing to my game is how i'm feeling at the time. atm poker is the only thing i do for money while i'm sat at home over the summer but in terms how how i can mentally cope with it and play my best game. i'm restricted to about 4 to 6 hours a day. 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening, occasionally 2 in the afternoon. around these times my decision making is poor and my roi suffers badly. yesterday was a good example. i hadnt slept well enough and only won 1 of the 7 stts i played. today in the one session i've had so far of 3.5h (only 2.5 effective shouldnt have played the last 2 games.) i've won 4 of 12. after those i just had to take a proper berak from it, been 3 hours so far and i'm still not ready to go back to it. its only been fairly recently i've been able to recognise my poker moods properly so i can keep my play at its best. and imo. its the most important aspect of my game nowadays.
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