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Guess Who's Back....


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Evening Ladies & Gent's Sorry It's been so long, lifes been very hectic over the last few months! I'm glad to say though that I should be sticking round for a while now so you have been warned! :) I look forward to joining in the many highly intelligent debates over the coming weeks, and getting to grips with losing my money to you all again! :lol Ciao for now! :cow

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Re: Guess Who's Back.... Hiya mate :welcome home! :cow http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30853 best of 3 legs and 3 legs to go - so you still have a chance! :ok http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30922 best of 5 with more than 5 to play. :ok http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30728 Mr V at the top of the table :cow:cow:cow and you're most welcome here-: http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31325

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Re: Guess Who's Back.... Ta PL, Andy and Pene, good to see your all still here! I've been having a good look through some of the past post's it look's like your all still having your fair amount of success's. Thanks for putting up the links Mrs V I'll get my ass signed up! See you all on the tables soon! :nana

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Re: Guess Who's Back....

Ta PL, Andy and Pene, good to see your all still here! I've been having a good look through some of the past post's it look's like your all still having your fair amount of success's. Thanks for putting up the links Mrs V I'll get my ass signed up! See you all on the tables soon! :nana
No problems, your welcome - see you there :ok
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