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Good Luck GaF?

the croc

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Re: Good Luck GaF? Cheers for your support everyone - never imagined so many people would watch it so closely!!!! You were fantastic!!!! :clap :clap :clap Got off to a slow start and didn't imagine I'd get so close to a payout - so in a way very pleased with the result - but now a little disappointed too.... Was surprised at how quickly it became a crapshoot (but equally - happy to take my chances in a crapshoot) - I expected such a valuable tourney to have a bit more play in it...... Generally happy with the way I played - but invite any feedback/input/criticisms if you have any (purely in the interest of "self improvement") That A9o was my loosest play of the day and I paid for it :sad Was I right to play that there? Did I have options to play it without all in? (I like all in because I view my post flop play as weak - so the all in makes the other guy face the tough choice - not me!!!) Bloody Harrington :lol :lol :lol Overall, think I'm happy with the move - had fold equity, was in late position and most of the time think I would have taken it down without a call. If I had been in the other guys position, I may well have folded the AQo (as I did earlier) prefering to move with fold equity than call the all in - having said that, with M's falling, the situation had changed since my fold - and I don't think I can criticise his call at all...... Anyway - kept a few screenshots for the more interesting hands..... bm01aaxt6.jpgbm02ajoye6.jpgbm03akojm1.jpgbm04kkoa9.jpgbm05a9owe6.jpg

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Re: Good Luck GaF?

Just 1 thing gaf ive noticed uv raised against daymeeyan on the BB quite alot maybe that had something to do with badgerpro going all in against you..Just a thought ....PL CHAARRRGGGEEEEEEEE
Yes I noticed that too mate :lol :lol :lol Not deliberate to "target" him - just the way the cards fell!!!
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