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Quick System

Guest ralphie7

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Re: Quick System Hi ralphie, im new to the forum so im trying to find my way around. Your thread is very good and i was wondering since im only able to access a pc at various times how does one find the formula for systems such as yours. Please forgive me if that is a rude question

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Re: Quick System Hi Mozaet :welcome You think of an idea and you paper test it mate if you are Lucky then :nana if not then you go back and try and improve it i gotta admit i am a bit of a system freak not as bad as i was i used to be though i used to spend ages ploughing thru results trying to find a common denominator. reading as much as i could. there are a lot of knowledgable guys on here believe me i am still learning off them. have a go yourself. no pressure tell em its just paper testing that covers you if it goes tits up. you won't get any flack on here mate believe me. i would have been long gone if you did. the rules for this system were on view for over a year. they have now been removed. very sorry. the selections are put on here daily though even if there aren't any. try and get on here regularly you might just stay ;) ralphie

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