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Who's favourite?


Who's favourite?  

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Ok - no cheating!!!!! I saw a hand on Hodgeys Dome game and the odds surprised me a little. Not the exact hand - but with the following 3 holdings, who is favourite pre flop? ???&???? @@@@&@@@@@ :&::: _____&____ .%^( .>

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Re: Who's favourite? 97 sooted, straight flush possiblities its the hand i would prefer over the 3 of them. K4 is obviously strong cause its the highest hand but its not sooooted. Q8 again has a straight draw but not beating the K. I choose 97.

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Re: Who's favourite? Ok on my own so far so will explain my k 4 choice this is sure favourite from the start as the others needing to hit cards, end of the day whats the odds of a flush or straight. Although odds are pritty tight between the 3.

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Re: Who's favourite?

k4 has to be surely. close' date=' but as already stated. the others would have to hit to beat it[/quote'] My thoughts entirely!!! Will put the result now - assuming anyone else who will vote, will vote before reading this....... equity (%) win (%) tie (%) Hand 1: 35.1813 % 35.05% 00.14% { 9c7c } Hand 2: 35.1114 % 34.98% 00.14% { Kd4h } Hand 3: 29.7073 % 29.57% 00.14% { Qs8h } So not much in it between K4o and 97s - but 97s the marginal fav Well done - most of you got it right - I wouldn't have.......
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Re: Who's favourite? Here is a different question. Which of the above 3 hands would you prefer to be dealt in a heads up situation? I would have prefered the K 4 but was suprised when I used pokerstove and got these results: equity (%) win (%) tie (%) Hand 1: 49.1177 % 46.99% 02.13% { 9c7c } Hand 2: 50.8823 % 48.75% 02.13% { random } Hand 1: 52.3275 % 50.23% 02.10% { Kd4h } Hand 2: 47.6725 % 45.57% 02.10% { random } Hand 1: 53.5998 % 51.93% 01.67% { Qs8h } Hand 2: 46.4002 % 44.73% 01.67% { random }

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Re: Who's favourite?

k4 has to be surely. close' date=' but as already stated. the others would have to hit to beat it[/quote'] Yes, but with three hands rather than two, one of them probably will hit. And there are more ways for the 97s to hit than the other hands.
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Re: Who's favourite?

Here is a different question. Which of the above 3 hands would you prefer to be dealt in a heads up situation? I would have prefered the K 4
But against a random hand, the difference between a K and a Q is relatively unlikely to matter. But the difference between an 8 and a 4 is much more likely to matter. Say both hands make one pair. If you pair your high card, then the difference between a K and a Q won't matter unless their pair is K's or Q's. But if you pair your low card, then whether it's an 8 or 4 matters if their pair is 5's, 6's or 7's, and may matter if their pair is 4's or 8's.
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Re: Who's favourite?

Here is a different question. Which of the above 3 hands would you prefer to be dealt in a heads up situation? I would have prefered the K 4 but was suprised when I used pokerstove and got these results: equity (%) win (%) tie (%) Hand 1: 49.1177 % 46.99% 02.13% { 9c7c } Hand 2: 50.8823 % 48.75% 02.13% { random } Hand 1: 52.3275 % 50.23% 02.10% { Kd4h } Hand 2: 47.6725 % 45.57% 02.10% { random } Hand 1: 53.5998 % 51.93% 01.67% { Qs8h } Hand 2: 46.4002 % 44.73% 01.67% { random }
My reasons for Q8 off suit is basically the kicker. I go into the hand behind to the K4, and need to hit, BUT if K4 catches the 4, then there is not a lot of change in the situation. I still have 2 live cards. IF I hit with my lowest card (8) then the other two hands only have one live card left - the 9 or the K.
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