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**Poker Sunday 9th July**


**Poker Sunday 9th July**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 William Hill £500
    • 16:00 Blue Square Bubble Freeroll
    • 18:00 Europoker Fish Tank
    • 19:30 Virgin 100,000 V Points Freeroll
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 19:45 Boss Fed Up With Football $1000 Added
    • 20:00 Sporting Odds Champions League
    • 20:00 Pokerstars Interforum Tourney
    • 21:00 & 03:00 Mansion $500 Added
    • 22:15 William Hill World Cup League

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Re: **Poker Sunday 9th July** Hi GAF Which one is the focus game tonight ? Pokerstars or Virgin ? Above it shows Pokerstars, on the best PL player thread it shows Virgin. Either way I'll be playing both, but this is really confusing my beloved wife, who wont shut up with her stupid questions, so would be very grateful if you could clear this up. Cheers mate

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Re: **Poker Sunday 9th July** Hello!! Day 5 of my current booze bender - just partnered Red_Fear to a win in a pairs golf tourney. (God knows how?) On holiday for 3 weeks now - got a reasonable bet on France before the tourney started at 14/1 :loon (don't think they'll win though) Think I'll have a drunken go at everything tonight!! :beer Good luck all!! :ok TQM

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Re: **Poker Sunday 9th July** My first experience today of the blue square bubble freeroll (and already qualified for next month). Not impressed that half the field were sitting out so that the leader after half an hour was simply the guy with the most discons at his table (and he ended up winning overall).

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Re: **Poker Sunday 9th July**

Hello!! Day 5 of my current booze bender - just partnered Red_Fear to a win in a pairs golf tourney. (God knows how?) On holiday for 3 weeks now - got a reasonable bet on France before the tourney started at 14/1 :loon (don't think they'll win though) Think I'll have a drunken go at everything tonight!! :beer Good luck all!! :ok TQM
Oops, drunken bugga!!!:beer Forgot to register for V - Points freeroll :wall :wall Time for another can! (Blue Square Freeroll now) TQM
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Re: **Poker Sunday 9th July** :wall Just crashed out the P.A.T. weekly 71st, 35 gets $208 and top 34 gain entry to grand final on 30th I think. Gave it a real go, very short so all in with 88, called by some tube with 10 5, enough said. I mean come on, even with a big stack why the fcuk would you call a 3000 bet with 10 5?? I do despair sometimes :@

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Re: **Poker Sunday 9th July** Had AQ spades on BB. All fold apart from SB. I raised to 500. He called. Flop come QXX Clubs. He checks. I go all in. He calls he has JK. With the Jack being a club. River a club FFS. How can he cal that. Oh well out in 164th

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Re: **Poker Sunday 9th July** Damn - had a short nap and woke up at 19:55 - managed to get into Pokerstars, but nothing else :$ Pokerstars didn't last long - out when my QQ walked into AA - knew he had AA from the betting (deep stacks) - but just couldn't lay my big PP down :sad and ended up all in pre flop

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Re: **Poker Sunday 9th July** Just out of Virgin. Sorry didnt even checked what place, as I was so foked off :@. Have 4.5k on SB with QJ. Table folds to me, I call. Some woman on BB (11k) raises me, so I have to put rest of my chips in. She turns 73 of fcuking suit :puke.I get a J, but she catches 2 pairs. Some idiot says "nice" and she says "just call me bash" :wall. I was just about to call her, but something more appropriate to her call... but I didnt. :sad

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