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Poker Dome Final

the croc

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hi all sundays final starts at 11pm,another championship structure with 5000 starting chips.3 qualifiers to the final in vegas.gonna be a long night the superstar million(same structure)took me over 5 hrs to get to the ft this one should be similar time. myself,heniek and runadrum already there anyone else?

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Re: Poker Dome Final

What is the Poker Dome Final? Is it a live event or online? :unsure If online which site, may pop in with some support :ok
It's Online and it's Mansion :ok It's their new format for deciding who goes to Vegas to play in the televised Poker Dome (a 6 seat STT for $25,000 and a Semi Final Spot) - as Hodgey did :ok
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Re: Poker Dome Final

It's Online and it's Mansion :ok It's their new format for deciding who goes to Vegas to play in the televised Poker Dome (a 6 seat STT for $25,000 and a Semi Final Spot) - as Hodgey did :ok
Cheers :ok Will have a look in later, good luck to all in it :hope
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Re: Poker Dome Final Just had a shot in the afternoon freeroll qualifier for the final tonight, 600 entrants and I crashed out in dramatic style 280th ;) Bit of a carry on trying to familiarise myself with the different software, got the hang of it eventually.. Good luck later croc, runadrum and heniek :hope

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Re: Poker Dome Final yes good luck hen out on 104th - was able to check my BB with Q4 and flop brought two queens so bet it to the death and met QK (turn had been a K for good measure) been a better day for me with a final table on SO and a win on a $10 STT on Poker770 so my haul for the month so far is back in profit to the tune of 4 cents ! ........ from little acorns grow (I hope) :ok

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Re: Poker Dome Final I've qualified for next Sundays (16th July) final where top 3 (as I understand it) go to Vegas ...... hope 2 see some more of you in it :hope . The guy (PigeonSlayer? from Wakefield?) who won through in the Mansion comp ti go to boot camp, train up and have a shot versus the pro's at a $1 million dollar TV game apparently came second and walked away with $270,000 (after 10% deduction to his trainer) ... watched the final 3 in his qualifier (think final 2 qualified) and he rivered a final J holding J3 with J3 on the board already to beat a guy with 33 in the hole..... it ended at 4:00 am with him worrying about getting up for work the following morning.... :lol Mansion are doing some great promotions.

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Re: Poker Dome Final well done phil and rippy :clap :clap I shall be trying all week to get back into this on Sunday although knowing at the start of each qualifier that you've got 4-5 hours to go if you're going to make it is a little depressing ! In the 4am yesterday I decided to play anything for the first hour to see if I could get a stack going - which I did for a while which upset the only other two at the table. In the end my 88 fell to A 10 to leave one guy and 5 sitouts and he complained ! couldn't see that he was getting free blinds and was screaming to be moved ! When he eventually cleaned up the discons and was moved to a full table and lost half his stack fairly quickly I couldn't help asking him if he preferred his new table - amused me anyway :lol

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Re: Poker Dome Final Very first hand in the midnight qualifier I get K 10 clubs and decide to call the all-in pre-flop to my right and am followed by the guy on my left. I treble up because I am up against 89os and J9 clubs. Remembering the K 10 success I later call an all in of under 1000 when holding 7000 approx with Q 10 clubs and hit a flush on the river to beat his AA - and get 5 minutes of abuse for my trouble ! Nearly 13k at the first break but only good enough for 15/193 at the moment. edit - 51k at second break for 2/44 edit - one poor move calling two all-ins pre-flop with AJclubs and beaten by 10 10 (club on river would've saved me) - few hands later out in 32nd so start all over again tomorrow ! and the man whose AA I beat all those hours ago (moreece02) had hung around so could type 'ha ha' at my demise. which of course sounds like something I would do but if you come across him this week please inflict any bad beat you can on him :lol :ok

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