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Poker sofware


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Re: Poker sofware The market leaders are Poker Tracker and Poker Office and to be honest I see no reason to look beyond them (both offer a free trial). If you want fewer numbers and a more straightforward interface, then poker-spy is good. I've never heard of the program you mention.

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Re: Poker sofware

It appears as if this is different http://www.lowlimitholdem.com/holdem_hawk.htm from the 2 programs u mentioned. Best Regards John
To be honest I think something like that is pretty pointless. Most of the information you should know or be able to work out for yourself, after playing a while it should be pretty natural;). I take it it is free?:unsure If you want something like that you might as well give it a go, can't do any harm.
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Re: Poker sofware Never use them its easy enough to work out your odds of hitting and if you want a quick way to work out percentage then apply a 3% per out rule on flop 2% per out on turn ie 20 outs is 60% on flop its close to the mark only out by 7% it is 67.5% where 20 outs on turn would be 40% the real percentage is 43.5 so they both a good gauge besides software is not healthy for your live game they make you lazy and not remember percentage shots , some are very strange in the calculations too where u think wtf when it recommends call when the situation is a clear fold

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