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Sporting Odds MTT July - Leg 2


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Guest gazza271

Re: Sporting Odds MTT July - Leg 2 well i played the first 10 mins and managed to go down to about 1500 chips, popped out for 10-15 and left missus playing and come back to nearly 3k :$

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT July - Leg 2 Some people just cling to their pocket pairs and get lucky.... What can you do?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #364314988 at table: $1 Challenge Started: Wed Jul 12 21:33:11 2006 packinturn is at seat 1 with 2400.00 uberpl is at seat 2 with 1885.00 morlspin1 is at seat 3 with 1115.00 bartoka is at seat 4 with 280.00 teaulc is at seat 5 with 2640.00 =BigAndy= is at seat 6 with 1340.00 slapdash is at seat 7 with 1550.00 Higgs23pl is at seat 8 with 1620.00 rosco pkr is at seat 9 with 3625.00 Sharpe1ne is at seat 10 with 1875.00 bartoka posts the large blind 50.00 morlspin1 posts the small blind 25.00 morlspin1: --, -- bartoka: --, -- teaulc: --, -- =BigAndy=: --, -- slapdash: --, -- Higgs23pl: 2c, 7d rosco pkr: --, -- Sharpe1ne: --, -- packinturn: --, -- uberpl: --, -- Pre-flop: teaulc: Call 50.00 =BigAndy=: Fold slapdash: Fold Higgs23pl: Call 50.00 rosco pkr: Fold Sharpe1ne: Raise 150.00 packinturn: Fold uberpl: Fold morlspin1: Fold bartoka: Fold teaulc: Fold Higgs23pl: Call 150.00 Flop (Board: Kd, 4c, 7h): Higgs23pl: Check Sharpe1ne: Bet 250.00 Higgs23pl: Raise 500.00 Sharpe1ne: Call 500.00 - tut tut Sharpe. 7 on the flop... are ya blind man! Turn (Board: Kd, 4c, 7h, 6c): Higgs23pl: Check Sharpe1ne: Bet 1000.00 Higgs23pl: All in Showdown: Higgs23pl shows: 2c, 7d (a pair of Sevens) Sharpe1ne shows: 6s, 6d (three of a kind, Sixes) River (Board: Kd, 4c, 7h, 6c, Jh): Mainpot: Sharpe1ne wins the pot of 3365 with three of a kind, Sixes (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)
:eyes You're cursed now Sharpe. You'll see. ;) :lol
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT July - Leg 2

well i played the first 10 mins and managed to go down to about 1500 chips' date=' popped out for 10-15 and left missus playing and come back to nearly 3k :$[/quote']:lol :lol :lol :lol Way to go Nikki! :clap :clap :clap :clap
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT July - Leg 2

Some people just cling to their pocket pairs and get lucky.... What can you do? :eyes You're cursed now Sharpe. You'll see. ;) :lol
:lol :lol i'm always cursed mate thtas why i cant go 2 months with dislocating and breaking digits. Like i said had you on Ace rag.:lol Didn't know you turned into Morls though with the 7 2 magic.:lol Bet you really wanted to show it as a win so ner ner ne ner ner:tongue2
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT July - Leg 2 This is just takin the pee how many times can i get these cards. Hand #364390994 at table: $1 Challenge Started: Wed Jul 12 22:24:49 2006 packinturn is at seat 1 with 3967.00 uberpl is at seat 2 with 2085.00 jolly67 is at seat 4 with 2370.00 teaulc is at seat 5 with 4030.00 the croc p is at seat 6 with 2385.00 bigkev7 is at seat 7 with 1840.00 El Stuart is at seat 8 with 2090.00 rosco pkr is at seat 9 with 8690.00 Sharpe1ne is at seat 10 with 7923.00 uberpl posts the large blind 300.00 packinturn posts the small blind 150.00 packinturn: --, -- uberpl: --, -- jolly67: --, -- teaulc: --, -- the croc p: --, -- bigkev7: --, -- El Stuart: --, -- rosco pkr: --, -- Sharpe1ne: 7h, 2c Pre-flop: jolly67: Fold teaulc: Fold the croc p: Fold bigkev7: Raise 1200.00 El Stuart: Fold rosco pkr: Fold Sharpe1ne: Fold -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #364391968 at table: $1 Challenge Started: Wed Jul 12 22:25:26 2006 packinturn is at seat 1 with 3967.00 uberpl is at seat 2 with 1935.00 jolly67 is at seat 4 with 2070.00 teaulc is at seat 5 with 4030.00 the croc p is at seat 6 with 2385.00 bigkev7 is at seat 7 with 2290.00 El Stuart is at seat 8 with 2090.00 rosco pkr is at seat 9 with 8690.00 Sharpe1ne is at seat 10 with 7923.00 jolly67 posts the large blind 300.00 uberpl posts the small blind 150.00 uberpl: --, -- jolly67: --, -- teaulc: --, -- the croc p: --, -- bigkev7: --, -- El Stuart: --, -- rosco pkr: --, -- Sharpe1ne: 8s, 6h packinturn: --, -- Pre-flop: teaulc: Fold the croc p: Call 300.00 bigkev7: Fold El Stuart: Fold rosco pkr: Raise 900.00 Sharpe1ne: Fold -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #364392982 at table: $1 Challenge Started: Wed Jul 12 22:26:07 2006 packinturn is at seat 1 with 3967.00 uberpl is at seat 2 with 1935.00 jolly67 is at seat 4 with 1920.00 teaulc is at seat 5 with 3730.00 the croc p is at seat 6 with 2085.00 bigkev7 is at seat 7 with 2290.00 El Stuart is at seat 8 with 2090.00 rosco pkr is at seat 9 with 9440.00 Sharpe1ne is at seat 10 with 7923.00 teaulc posts the large blind 300.00 jolly67 posts the small blind 150.00 jolly67: --, -- teaulc: --, -- the croc p: --, -- bigkev7: --, -- El Stuart: --, -- rosco pkr: --, -- Sharpe1ne: 6h, 8d packinturn: --, -- uberpl: --, -- Pre-flop: the croc p: Fold bigkev7: Raise 900.00 El Stuart: Fold rosco pkr: Fold Sharpe1ne: Fold -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #364394158 at table: $1 Challenge Started: Wed Jul 12 22:26:55 2006 packinturn is at seat 1 with 3967.00 uberpl is at seat 2 with 1935.00 jolly67 is at seat 4 with 1920.00 teaulc is at seat 5 with 3580.00 the croc p is at seat 6 with 1785.00 bigkev7 is at seat 7 with 2740.00 El Stuart is at seat 8 with 2090.00 rosco pkr is at seat 9 with 9440.00 Sharpe1ne is at seat 10 with 7923.00 the croc p posts the large blind 300.00 teaulc posts the small blind 150.00 teaulc: --, -- the croc p: --, -- bigkev7: --, -- El Stuart: --, -- rosco pkr: --, -- Sharpe1ne: 2h, 7d packinturn: --, -- uberpl: --, -- jolly67: --, -- Pre-flop: bigkev7: Fold El Stuart: Fold rosco pkr: Fold Sharpe1ne: Fold -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #364395253 at table: $1 Challenge Started: Wed Jul 12 22:27:39 2006 packinturn is at seat 1 with 3967.00 uberpl is at seat 2 with 1935.00 jolly67 is at seat 4 with 1920.00 teaulc is at seat 5 with 4330.00 the croc p is at seat 6 with 1335.00 bigkev7 is at seat 7 with 2440.00 El Stuart is at seat 8 with 2090.00 rosco pkr is at seat 9 with 9440.00 Sharpe1ne is at seat 10 with 7923.00 bigkev7 posts the large blind 300.00 the croc p posts the small blind 150.00 the croc p: --, -- bigkev7: --, -- El Stuart: --, -- rosco pkr: --, -- Sharpe1ne: 8s, 6d packinturn: --, -- uberpl: --, -- jolly67: --, -- teaulc: --, -- Pre-flop: El Stuart: Fold rosco pkr: Fold Sharpe1ne: Fold

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT July - Leg 2 Strange enjoyable little tournament for me. 2 7 off for the first hand I played (sat out for 20 minutes) - and lost 25% of my chips because I raised and followed it up with a continuation bet :\ . Then got KK the next hand - a lot of callers and one raiser - so i went all-in - but everyone folded (was sure I'd get a caller after the muppet job on my first hand). Then got nothing for over an hour, until i got QQ - which got busted by AJ - unconventionally, with JJ and not an Ace. And that was that.

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