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PL'rs at WSOP


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Re: PL'rs at WSOP cheers guys :) brought tear to my eyes reading this :cry (probably the jetlag lol:unsure ) firt off apolagies for not coming on pl earlier had no access to internet (long story) now i get back my bloody routers fcked aaargh 3 hour slater im in grrr well only made the flight out there with 1 min to spare due to accident on m25, so first bit of luck was being there at all!!! 10 mins into the game i spilled a drink over my camera/mp3/food all ruined :( , so was an eventfull start to say the least (ronay got some great pics though ;) luckily i was sat on the outside tables for most of the game. so there were 2,200 players plus alternates to make it 2,800 to answer someones question i saw. will write a proper report tmoz, but will just explain the last hand... 1. the updates of how many are left while you are playing is poor if u ask me 2. i was still fairly short stacked 10k with $200 antes $1200 - $600 blinds i went all in with 1010, 4 people left to act the big blinb called with roughly same stack turned over JJ :( left me with 100 chips so that was that. At the time i was a bit gutted to go out so near the next pay level.. but looking back after 13 hours of play :loon was v tired and i still feel it was the right thing to do as at that point if i doubled i was back in the game and in with a chance of getting a lot further, plus i made the move , made him decide to risk all his chips, rather than being blinded out for and extra $1000, i had made the money so decided it was time to gamble. lasted till 1am of day 1, 30 mins to left till the end. i would appriciate any thoughts on this, would u have done the same? theres no right or wrong imo, just be interesting to see:ok

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP Congratulation Mo :clap:clap I think you did the best thing with your pockets 10's. If you're short stacked and fold that hand, then what hand are you waiting for? It must be even harder after 13 hours of live play. I bet that there are a lot of people who went out fo the tournamant with much worse than pocket 10's.

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP i would appriciate any thoughts on this, would u have done the same? theres no right or wrong imo, just be interesting to see:ok 10s not too bad and i would have done the same no good looking over your shoulder thinking of an extra $1k when there is so much more on offer at a tournament like that well done mo :ok

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP Can't argue with your play Mo, at that stage of the tourney other people become really tight hoping for that extra place and a bit more money- just unlucky to come up against a higher pair that held up- great result anyway:cow :cow :cow

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP mo, in my opinion going all in at that point was your best option, ideally you wanted to pick up the blinds, but a call meant you were probly at least 50-50 for the double up (unfortunatly you weren't in this case). Think I'd go all-in every time tho in that situation.

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