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PL'rs at WSOP


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Re: PL'rs at WSOP Well after keeping me up half the night with updates i was shattered this mornin, but thats all been made worth while now!:clap Mo, thats an awesome result mate, well done and good luck if you decide to play any sats for the big one!:notworthy Enjoy vegas all who are going, and lets hope the good luck continues!:ok

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP well done mo:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy knew you could cash at least ,your now the 202nd best player in the world:dude ,a few more places up would have been nice for your bankroll but just over 2grand and a free holiday can't be bad:nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana . cheers for the call today morls it cheered me up hearing about this:ok . lets hope the four already in the main event fare as well as mo and hopefully somebody over there manages to win a satelitte . chhhaaaaaaaaarrrrrggeee

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP Belated Congrats to Mo :clap :clap :clap :clap (Due to a complete re-format of me comp:cry) and due to that I have just been checking thro my PM's as there were a couple from Fri/Sat. One of them was a reply to 1 I sent to Fenners, sending him my best for the WSOP, to which I received this reply........ "

Private Message: Re: OI
post_new.gif 28-07-2006, 12:54
fenner Seasoned Punter ball.gifball.gifball.gif Join Date: 31 Oct 2005 Location: york Posts: 347 icon1.gif Re: OI
mrs fenner here, he's already gone, i'm jealous too!got there at 8pm last night, 12noon their time, he's sharing a queen bed with joe ha ha ha! so post what you wish about that one! mrs fenner.
:loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon I can't wait to hear the excuses over THIS one when they get back My thanks to Mrs. Fenner for allowing me to post this and for the laugh and cheering me up SOOOO much after all my comp probs. :ok C.R.
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