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PL'rs at WSOP


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Re: PL'rs at WSOP thanks for all your support guys n gals off tommorow morning, wont say too much as the GP situation has put a big downer on things and dont want to rub it in etc, James Murrell aka moFace if people want to keep track there is a link above somewhere, and will try to pop in now n again to say hello! :ok :hope

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP I am at the Bellagio from the 28th of July till the 2nd of August. My real name is Pernille Michael, and I am with my friend Katia Thorning. Paul Ross will be joining us on the 29th ... So... if any of you pass the Bellagio on your way... leave us a note :nana And... lets meet up for some drinks and some poker :ok

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP

Burnley Joe real name Joe Geraghty, so if anyone is passing Plymouth on their way to Cornwall, you`ll see me crying at the side of the road!! Lol
..................Almost feel bad for laughing ................... but hell.......... its funny :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: PL'rs at WSOP Hubby (moneyivey) is really called Rob Hewlitt and he'll be in a 'Pokerstars' shirt. With apologies to the GP2 PokerStars have been quality - he's stopping at The Palms, free flights and $1000 spends. There is also a PS hospitality suite and they're always ringing up and checking he's OK and ready to go. We've both seen quite a lot of you on VC during the maxim thingy so if you fancy a PL Vegas meet?? If you do meet up with Rob please tell him he can drink and gamble as much as he likes but no loose women.....and when he gets home he's on putting the kids to bed duty until they are 16.:eek Think of me in a caravan with two yampy kids for a week.:sad

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP MoFace got to vegas on time, however ronay is stuck in new york JFK......her bags are on a diff flight to vegas, she has a 2hr wait til the next flight and her bags will be there before her! who said being in the wsop or a guest was easy!

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP hell yeah.....did the transfer thing at new year teeside to heathrow....didnt take off and we ended up in heathrow holiday inn overnight after getttin train down. heathrow to chicago...no seats together so im in prem economy and mate is in standard:rollin chicago to vegas....1 seat only....mate takes it im in chicago for 6hrs and get late fligh :sad ONLY FLY DIRECT FROM NOW ON IF POSSIBLE LOL

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP

just notice moface - james murell is up against some big players - anyone know what time this kicks off (gmt) today??
I think they start at Midday Vegas time don't they? Which is 8pm BST (7pm GMT). Will be watching for updates at cardplayer from around this time :)
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Re: PL'rs at WSOP I'm here too!! :D Although possibly only as an imposter! I've got 2 days to get the hang of this live poker business!! I thought I had last night until some drunk next to me put me all in with 2 3 off and beat my A9 with 2 pair! The hand before his 2 3 suited cracked someones aces. I thought there would be proper players in Vegas! :eyes :(

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP

I'm here too!! :D Although possibly only as an imposter! I've got 2 days to get the hang of this live poker business!! I thought I had last night until some drunk next to me put me all in with 2 3 off and beat my A9 with 2 pair! The hand before his 2 3 suited cracked someones aces. I thought there would be proper players in Vegas! :eyes :(
With all the palaver with GP you been over looked - I apologise :$ :hope for you mate, Pene will be there on Friday so watch out there'll be a crazy dane about! ;)
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