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PL'rs at WSOP


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PL PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTY IN VEGAS BABY!!!! Just wanted to pass on my very best wishes to all the PL qualifiers to WSOP later this month. Have a great time, live the life, dream the dream.... Looking forward to hearing all your stories (yes EVEN any bad beat stories) and seeing the photos. Good Luck to: Main Event (Friday July 28th to Thursday August 10th) Fenner (Goalpoker) Burnley Joe (Goalpoker) MoneyIvey (PokerStars) Chess (GalaPoker) $1500 NLHE (Tuesday July 25th to Thursday July 27th) moFace (Virgin) $1500 NLHE (WSOP Event 2 - Played) The Grouch (Virgin) Missing anyone? :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP Very best of luck to you all. I'll be in the States while it's running (though in Washington DC and Durham NC on business), but will hopefully be able to pick up a live feed and shout PL CHHHAAAAARRRRGGGGGEEEEEEEEE!!!! to the bemusement of colleagues!!!!

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP :hope very best of luck to everyone going:hope wish i was coming along too, should be a great time and will no doubt give you valuable live play experience and hopefully improve your games from your already high standard. You may even win some money and a shiney bracelet!!:loon Good luck!!:ok

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP Hi All I'm in sunny Vegas at the mo, having played in the $1500 NLHE WSOP Event #2 last Tuesday. There was a large 2770-ish field and after around 7 hours of looking at mostly 7-2, 8-3, J-4 etc I finally crashed out in 636th when, hovering around the 10 BB mark, I re-raised all-in on an all-in short(er) stack trying to isolate him with my pocket tens. Matey boy on the button (who had around same chips as me) had pocket aces (of course) and that was that. There are plenty of 10-seat S&G satellites at the Rio ranging from $125 up to $1000+ entry, with the competition ranging from completely amatuerish to the professional. I've managed to chop in the 2/3 entered so far, and would recommend the S&Gs as an ideal way to play and soak up the atmosphere at the WSOP whilst (hopefully) picking up a few $'s. Best of luck to all the other PLers at the WSOP.

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Re: PL'rs at WSOP

Main Event (Friday July 28th to Thursday August 10th) Fenner (Goalpoker) Burnley Joe (Goalpoker) MoneyIvey (PokerStars) $1500 NLHE (Tuesday July 25th to Thursday July 27th) moFace (Virgin) $1500 NLHE (WSOP Event 2 - Played) The Grouch (Virgin)
Fancy posting your real names guys? So that we can track your progress. No worries if you'd rather not......
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