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Extra Mansion Poker Dome Opportunities


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PLAY your cards right and you could win a seat at the MANSION Poker Dome Challenge in Las Vegas – and a chance to land a once-in-a-lifetime ONE MILLION DOLLAR prize.

Password is cleverly disguised on the page.... ;) See if you can find it. Or even better, see if you can guess it (we are NOT talking about Osesame's Word Association Competition here btw). :ok
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Re: Extra Mansion Poker Dome Opportunities I'm registered but can only play for 25 minutes before going out - I reckon I need to get up to around 9,000 before sitting out. :loon I'll be all-in with nothing so steer clear! :ok Out first hand methinks. :lol TQM edit. - lasted 15 mins after rising to the dizzy heights of 4th after winning the first hand all-in with a pair of fours. Good luck to all of you playing normally!

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Re: Extra Mansion Poker Dome Opportunities

I'm having the same problem with entering the password for all 3 poker dome tourneys. Does anyone know if your allowed to play in more than 1?
This just got posted in the chat box:
ADMIN: If you do not qualify in this tournament you can try again in further tournaments.
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Re: Extra Mansion Poker Dome Opportunities

Thanks for the link. As I currently can't drive or even walk to the paper shop I was phoning people at work to hunt out a copy of todays Sun for the password. Now I'm in and registered.
That would be the password that's listed on the web page Mr V linked to ? :loon :loon
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Re: Extra Mansion Poker Dome Opportunities

I think 4 of us qualified though Mo :loon .....but dont mention the bubble to anyone
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Re: Extra Mansion Poker Dome Opportunities

.....but dont mention the bubble to anyone
Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I was 20th of 21 and thought I needed to some more chips....... (M of about 3) - so when I had an A in the small blind, everyone folded to me, I thought I had to shove - even though I knew the Big Stack on the BB had to call....... He did, and that was it - 2 others went out (on other tables) at the same time - and as it turns out, I didn't need to play....... Well done to those of you who made it :clap :clap Mo - there might be more than usual, but the standard of play was considerably worse - I suspect ANY PL'r who gives this a serious go will get into the final...........
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Re: Extra Mansion Poker Dome Opportunities

Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I was 20th of 21 and thought I needed to some more chips....... (M of about 3) - so when I had an A in the small blind, everyone folded to me, I thought I had to shove - even though I knew the Big Stack on the BB had to call....... He did, and that was it - 2 others went out (on other tables) at the same time - and as it turns out, I didn't need to play....... Well done to those of you who made it :clap :clap Mo - there might be more than usual, but the standard of play was considerably worse - I suspect ANY PL'r who gives this a serious go will get into the final...........
sorry gaf :D very unlucky but you are right the standard is not as good as the normal dome qualifiers... ... even fenners managed it :clap
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Re: Extra Mansion Poker Dome Opportunities

Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I was 20th of 21 and thought I needed to some more chips....... (M of about 3) - so when I had an A in the small blind, everyone folded to me, I thought I had to shove - even though I knew the Big Stack on the BB had to call....... He did, and that was it - 2 others went out (on other tables) at the same time - and as it turns out, I didn't need to play....... Well done to those of you who made it :clap :clap Mo - there might be more than usual, but the standard of play was considerably worse - I suspect ANY PL'r who gives this a serious go will get into the final...........
your not joking there m8, i had someone calling any raise everyhand he as always hit everytime and put me out, my own fault for tilting but defo some right muppets and ul gaf:clap
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Re: Extra Mansion Poker Dome Opportunities Nearly 800 players for 18 places. This buys you into another game with over 100 people and only 3 places paid. Not great value considering you could buy straight into the pokerdome for 1 cent with 300 runners. I'm in.:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

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