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Potential Miniscule field for $5000 MTT


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Re: Potential Miniscule field for $5000 MTT Anybody found out anything furher about these - if they are such good value wouldn't mind participating in another PL-full one. Am I right in thinking that the entry money is redistributed as prizes and the place in the freeroll is an extra prize?

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Re: Potential Miniscule field for $5000 MTT

Anybody found out anything furher about these - if they are such good value wouldn't mind participating in another PL-full one. Am I right in thinking that the entry money is redistributed as prizes and the place in the freeroll is an extra prize?
Correct :ok With Boss down NOW might be a good time to give it a shot - anyone?
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Re: Potential Miniscule field for $5000 MTT I'm around for next (say) two hours if enuff can make it - other way might be to arrange one or two at a convenient times tomorrow )1 for those available during the "working" day and another outside normal working hours. With the entry money coming back then its just like competing in normal $5 STTs (well not quite normal as they'll be full of PLrs so standard should be higher) with an added bonus. :ok

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Re: Potential Miniscule field for $5000 MTT Was just looking at getting one of these going ......... but they don't seem to be running any more...... 30 players showing in the $5000 freeroll - top 50 paid :lol :lol Can see GazBlades, but not any other of the PL Qualifiers - you may have to manually register guys :ok

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