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Mansion Superstar Pro Invitationals


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Anyone spotted this in the Mansion lobby? Invitational tourney for one of the Pro slots in the Mansion Poker Superstar Challenge. I'm not gonna be around unfortunately, but might be worth watching to get a feel for how they play.. I'd quite like to watch it. Do you feel there's anything to be learnt from it, or is it just the Poker geek in me wanting a fix!? :unsure

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Re: Mansion Superstar Pro Invitationals I posted it in the other thread ;) But probably worthy of a thread of its own!!! Not sure how much we will benefit from it - better to watch games on TV where yousee all the hole cards IMO.......having said that, you'll probably see me in the audience :P 11 Players at the mo - have we any ideas who they are?

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Re: Mansion Superstar Pro Invitationals Only one I know for definite 'actionjack' is Paul Jackson, West Midlands legend. Took 2nd in the Monte Carlo Millions behind Phil Ivey.

I posted it in the other thread ;) But probably worthy of a thread of its own!!!
Doh, I have a habit of doing this. Sorry!
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Re: Mansion Superstar Pro Invitationals

Not sure how much we will benefit from it - better to watch games on TV where yousee all the hole cards IMO.......
True.. think I'd want to test my judgement & see if I can put people on the right hands.
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Re: Mansion Superstar Pro Invitationals I've done a bit of searching and come up with this following list - Superstar Pro Invitational 2 actionjack - Paul Jackson batoelrob - Rob Hollink gussy - Gus Hansen luckytax - Mel Judah maxypaxy - Tino Lechich Tiffany - Tiffany Williamsen (not sure on this one) Wise Owl - Harry Demetriou Superstar Pro Invitiational gizzimow - John Gale Wise Owl - Harry Demetriou Not sure on any of the other ones though. It also states in the tournament lobby that it is restricted to 50 spectators, so we might not get to see it.

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Re: Mansion Superstar Pro Invitationals

I expect I'll get an e-mail in the morning. ;) :tongue2
How come you have to invite yourself??:unsure As owner of mansion (an assumption i know but based on your record..............Hmmmm?) dont you automatically qualify?? :moon :rollin :tongue2
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Re: Mansion Superstar Pro Invitationals anyone watching them? have noticed that Elblondie (Dave Colclough) puts in odd raises (i.e. 100/200 blinds and he raises to 777, or 990, or 444 etc) and reraises don't tend to be another 3 blinds - they are all in for 8K etc (so a raise to 600/800 and people shove their entire stack - very aggressive) Damo

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Re: Mansion Superstar Pro Invitationals yes very aggressive and poor calls maybe becuase they know they are re-raising with A8? dunno? Damo

ive been watching Damo and to be honest, if that was us on PNL we would be slated mate! shocking play at times from the so called pro's
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Re: Mansion Superstar Pro Invitationals really confoozed here I take it someone made a play with A8 and beat rockets? (or something similar?) D

im getting the feeling here that its ok to call with shite if your "a pro" but not if your just a minion get over it girls
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Re: Mansion Superstar Pro Invitationals I caught the end of this last night .The game was heads up between El Blondie(Dave Colclough) and Humpty, Humpty won to be first in the final, and when asked, identified himself as being Todd Brunson:loon GL to all in the final tonight:hope

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