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WSOP @ pacific/888


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Re: WSOP @ pacific/888 Hi guys, If I remember rightly, I joined pacific a year (or maybe 2 years ago) through one of the tabloids (Daily Star?) Do you know how I might be able to enter these WSOP qualifiers? Cheers.

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Re: WSOP @ pacific/888 How's everyone getting on in this? I was getting on pretty well when I got done on the river. Some guy holding AJo made the A high flush on the river, beating my 2 pair. I alos managed to fold a royal - dealt a Q3o tho:cry Still going with 4.5k in chips. Steve.

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Re: WSOP @ pacific/888 out about 250th, some strange betting going on there, the river's done me all night- unreal how often your AA or KK doesn't hold up against siht. The 80/20 muppet factor really got the better of me tonight. Good luck to all still in, but I have the feeling this is going to go on for quite a while. GaF was looking good last time I checked, hope you can stay in there mate.

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Re: WSOP @ pacific/888 Any one who provides a screenshot of them knocking out ArcAAdiA from this gets $20 in any acct they wish or $30 to charity of there choice, don't ask about my night, just concentrate on the river-ratting, lucky t*** above, cheers :ok

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Re: WSOP @ pacific/888 I was 20th at one point. Went from 9000 down to 350 and am now back up to 5500. I got most my bank by bluffing. When I did get a KK or AK it bought $0. Its so slow, dont they know that some of us have to be up at 6 in the morning.

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Re: WSOP @ pacific/888 Well good luck to all left in, out in 115th. Just no hands for ages & lousy flops Then came 10 4 on bb, flopped 4 9 4. Went all-in but 3x wasn't large enough to scare off the guy with a flush draw. Ace of diamonds came on river to kill my chances :cry

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Re: WSOP @ pacific/888 Out in 43rd - In early position and about 9x BB decided to make a move with 88 and shoved...... ran into JJ...... Annoying - wasn't desperate enough to need to make such a move ........ poor play I think......

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Re: WSOP @ pacific/888

is lemonj77 our lemonjon?:unsure cos he qualified on a table with a friend of mine and wasnt sure then??
Yup M8 thats me Was 3rd (39,000+ chips) with 159 left and went to bed, i have no idea were i finished, anyone know the final standings or how i can get them
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Re: WSOP @ pacific/888 Did anyone else find this tournament really, really slow? If it had been over the weekend then I might have stood a better chance but I just lost the will after about 11 and just went sh1t or bust (not my usual game). Starting to think that these late night games aren't really suited to my lifestyle. Getting up at 6 every morning means that come about 1030 I turn into a zombie. We'll get em next time.

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Re: WSOP @ pacific/888

Did anyone else find this tournament really, really slow? If it had been over the weekend then I might have stood a better chance but I just lost the will after about 11 and just went sh1t or bust (not my usual game). Starting to think that these late night games aren't really suited to my lifestyle. Getting up at 6 every morning means that come about 1030 I turn into a zombie. We'll get em next time.
The timing was really poorly thought through - I can understand to an extent where there are US players, but for a UK exclusive tourney, AND midweek, it really is inexcusable!!!!! No issues with deeper stacks / slower blinds - especially where there is such a big prize - It SHOULD be a more skillful game.....
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Re: WSOP @ pacific/888 Hi guys, yep I found it really really slow as well, although it was a good tourny. I went out in 87th in the end. I was Jarjaruk on the Mirror final. Would have been great to win, but I don't feel to displeased with 87th, and I was soooo tired by that stage. Well played all PL-ers. :ok

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