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Criticism please


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I have had hands like this one at least three times in the last week. Am I playing them badly? ------HAND 4------ Game #2599449524: Hold'em NL (400/800) - 2006/06/05 - 21:20:09 (GMT) Table "PP Grand Prix 2675137 - 8" Seat 8 is the button. Seat 1: ACEH0LE (14795 in chips) Seat 2: AFC123 (12469.32 in chips) Seat 4: geo1873 (10200 in chips) Seat 5: Valius (7720 in chips) Seat 6: drunklkme (8154.34 in chips) Seat 7: daveybazz (6050 in chips) Seat 8: mrbside80 (19759 in chips) Seat 9: K_Unknown (21695 in chips) Seat 10: ColU_FC (8552 in chips) K_Unknown: posts the ante 100 ColU_FC: posts the ante 100 ACEH0LE: posts the ante 100 AFC123: posts the ante 100 geo1873: posts the ante 100 Valius: posts the ante 100 drunklkme: posts the ante 100 daveybazz: posts the ante 100 mrbside80: posts the ante 100 K_Unknown: posts small blind 400 ColU_FC: posts big blind 800 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to ColU_FC [Ad Kd] ACEH0LE: folds AFC123: folds geo1873: folds Valius: folds drunklkme: raises to 1600 daveybazz: folds mrbside80: folds K_Unknown: folds ColU_FC: calls 800 ----- FLOP ----- [Kh Jd 9c] ColU_FC: bets 2400 drunklkme: calls 2400 ----- TURN ----- [Kh Jd 9c][4h] ColU_FC: bets 4452 and is all-in drunklkme: is all-in 4054.34 Returned uncalled bets 397.66 to ColU_FC ----- RIVER ----- [Kh Jd 9c 4h][2c] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- ColU_FC: shows [Ad Kd] (A Pair of Kings, Ace high) drunklkme: shows [Th Qs] (A Straight, King high) drunklkme collects 17408.68 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 17408.68 Main pot 17408.68 Rake 0 Board [Kh Jd 9c 4h 2c] Seat 1: ACEH0LE folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: AFC123 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: geo1873 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Valius folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: drunklkme showed [Th Qs] and won (17408.68) with A Straight, King high Seat 7: daveybazz folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: mrbside80 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: K_Unknown (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 10: ColU_FC (big blind) showed [Ad Kd] and lost

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Re: Criticism please As a short stack with roughly 10xBB, you're looking for a good hand to go all-in with... and AKs is pretty good. I'd have re-raised all in pre flop, then there's no way (or at least very little, assuming he's got his eyes open) he can call with his hand.

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Re: Criticism please

As a short stack with roughly 10xBB, you're looking for a good hand to go all-in with... and AKs is pretty good. I'd have re-raised all in pre flop, then there's no way (or at least very little, assuming he's got his eyes open) he can call with his hand
That's exactly what I'm thinking:tongue2. Don't be scared with AK, it kicks ass:dude. If he folds then you've won a very decent pot and if he calls you're only scared of AA and KK - at this stage of the tournament with his stack people will be prepared to call with a lot worse hands.
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Re: Criticism please

That's exactly what I'm thinking:tongue2. Don't be scared with AK' date=' it kicks ass:dude. If he folds then you've won a very decent pot and if he calls you're only scared of AA and KK - at this stage of the tournament with his stack people will be prepared to call with a lot worse hands.[/quote'] Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=29901
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Re: Criticism please pre-flop strategy letting you down a little my advice SHOVE SHOVE SHOVE SHOVE SHOVE in other words....... every day of the week in that position (and twice on sunday) SHOVE Damo ps by the way, PF its best to shove ;) :ok :eek pps - what are you scared about? why call a min raise?, what do you do if the flop is 2 4 8 rainbow? call a min bet? when someone min raises like that it says two things to me 1) they have AA or KK and want action - in which case FOLD 2) they are trying to steal the pot with a good, but not brilliant hand, and are making it look like AA or KK (or are really scared and know they should raise but don't know what they should actually be raising and why), in either case - SHOVE 3) as you have AK, the chances of AA or KK in their hands is somewhat diminished (over to the maths profs), so next time - SHOVE - u have about 10XBB after posting the BB, ante and calling the raise - why get involved with that hand with a call and miss the flop? (which you will do 50% of the time) you are throwing away chips with a strong hand PF - calling for pot odds is great with weak hands, e.g. if you have 78s etc and that flop arrives it goes in the bin, but with AK you are now committed to that flop and there are too many drawing hands to beat you - oh and next time if you do flop the monster of TPTK SHOVE THE FLOP - don't get cute and let him out draw you (not that it matters in this case) This is for this type of play with these types of blinds, I am NOT advocating this PF on the 3rd hand of a tourney - but in this case with the blinds and antes, you are winning a tidy pot and saying to people, don't steal my blinds!

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Re: Criticism please

Damo' date=' I think you forgot to tell him to shove![/quote'] :rollin :rollin :rollin I did? hmm must go back and edit my post;) thanks for bringing it to my attention :ok Damo ps there is 3700 in the pot after his raise giving you pot odds of 4.5-1 - in which case it would be technically correct to call with ANY two cards - and this folks is another reason to NOT min raise with AA/KK (and get cute) as you are giving your opponent(s) the correct odds to call so you have 7600 or so after blinds and ante, the pot is worth nearly 50% of your total stack, you cannot call here given your hand, it is fold or SHOVE, with the emphasis on the latter:ok
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Re: Criticism please no criticism but is a certain all odds high you aint gonna get a or k on flop too often you want to see all the flop and many won't in a freeroll but some would lay his hand down to the re raise. if he had pkt pair he is a bigger fav just seeing flop againt ak as well. ak not a trapping hand is a drawing hand. my thought anyway maybe right maybe wrong but there you go.

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Re: Criticism please well then even more reason to raise ALL-IN - if the muppet isn't going to let Q 10o go PF to a shove and will call then you defo shove three times on a sunday :) (you are a 2-1 fav against his hand approx) re pair, he isn't a big fav, its 55/45, but certainly a fav, and again if he has 44, why call with at best a coin flip and at worst being totally dominated. Spot on re the drawing hand - it isn't a drawing hand, its strength lies in PF raising, or a cheap flop call (dependant on blinds) - in this case it is a PF shove IMO, if you can't shove PF with AK what would people shove with? Just my thoughts Damo :cheers

no criticism but is a certain all odds high you aint gonna get a or k on flop too often you want to see all the flop and many won't in a freeroll but some would lay his hand down to the re raise. if he had pkt pair he is a bigger fav just seeing flop againt ak as well. ak not a trapping hand is a drawing hand. my thought anyway maybe right maybe wrong but there you go.
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Re: Criticism please My muppet play last night was quite costly. The person I lost to on the above play won the $6,000 trip to Vegas. The excerpt below is from the report on the Poker Player site: "It eventually came down to 'K_Unknown’s' A-A versus ‘Drunklkme’s’ 2-2 and a third 2 on the flop saw ‘Drunklkme’ packing her bags for Vegas, and Woods out in 82nd place." It could of been me. That'll teach me. :puke

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