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Poker Stars Bloggers Freeroll

slick mick

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Re: Poker Stars Bloggers Freeroll Suddenly my 23" feels a little inadequate.........I didn't even know you could get them that big!!!!! The past few days have been a sleepless whirlwind for the United Kingdom's Dale "Daleroxxu" Philip. What began as a World Cup trip to Germany over the weekend ended in a sleepless Sunday night that saw the blogger winning the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker. dalroxxu.jpg Daleroxxu Still worn out from watching three World Cup matches, Philip settled in to battle more than 2200 of the world's best blogging poker players. "I had to imagine that if the 2200+ entrants were prepared to write about their poker exploits regularly in their blogs, then they were the type of player that analyzes and tries to improve their game, and that the tournament would be difficult," Philip said. As he worked his way through the field, Philip started to realize his prediction was spot on. "All I'll say is that I've never been re-raised so much in my life. I had to stay very patient and disciplined for the most part." As level after level passed and hours went buy, Philip started setting goals for himself. "My target was to reach the prizes (starting at 54th) comfortably then take it from there. I didn't think winning was realistic until we were maybe five-handed." Indeed, Philip had made his way through hundreds and hundred of people and was sitting at the final table. He was already guaranteed a $1,500 World Series of Poker Seat. However, if he placed first, everything would change. "Heads up was the first time I've felt so nervous in a game of poker," Philip said. "The difference between first and second place being $10,500 was what got me shaking. I mean, that's a huge difference and a lot of money to me!" Suddenly, the guy who had been playing draw poker and Omaha for years was playing for a bigger prize than he ever had before. Sure, he'd spent four weeks crushing low-limit no-limit games in Las Vegas earlier in the year. But, now he was playing for a seat in the most prestigous poker event in the world. "Thanks to PokerStar's FPP store I have read a lot of books this year," Philip said. "Sklansky's books, Dan Harrington's books, and Kill Phill have all had an influence on my play." Philip has been known to make his living playing cards, but he has some IT technical experience on which to fall back. "I'm really unsure as to what I want to be doing with my future but as I'm young, free and single there's nothing stopping me from taking whatever opportunities come my way," he said. Philip admits, he has been a bit lazy about his blogging recently. Now, that can all change. "A trip to the WSOP should give me plenty of poker to be talking about soon," he said. Congratulations to Dale "Daleroxxu" Philip for winning this year's World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

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  • 11 months later...
Guest gazza271

Re: Poker Stars Bloggers Freeroll

Hi, I'm the dorky guy in the photo above :-p Well this is my first post at PL, I hope I can contribute to this forum.
:welcome to PL mate :ok That was quite a result :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
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Re: Poker Stars Bloggers Freeroll :welcome to PL Dale. Plenty of added value and a great way to improve your game. By the way. it's politically correct not to mention Gazza's avatar. It's a belter, but the ladies can't see what we blokes like about it ! So how did your WSOP trip go? How long did you last? McG

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Re: Poker Stars Bloggers Freeroll i ended day 1 with 37.5K and was chipleader on my day 2 table before i donked it all away.... easy come easy go! played with mark seif and tony hachem day 1 and elky day 2. i'll post a link to my trip report if i ever finish writing it, there are some hilarious stories to tell.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Poker Stars Bloggers Freeroll

that has to be the funniest PL quote of the year. @dale - do you own /run sngicons?
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