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Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast


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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast I just think that over that short a timescale, bankroll management won't really come into it. If you want to win, you'll have to take risks with your bankroll that you wouldn't over a longer timescale. But OK, how about a "sprint" this month and then a "marathon" from July to December?

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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast

I just think that over that short a timescale, bankroll management won't really come into it. If you want to win, you'll have to take risks with your bankroll that you wouldn't over a longer timescale. But OK, how about a "sprint" this month and then a "marathon" from July to December?
Yeah - idea isn't so much for the bankroll management, more for the "challenge" to see what a small amount can be turned into by "one of us" in a relatively quick period - the idea of a sprint and a marathon sounds good though :ok Even in the "sprint", - rules will define maximum stake you can play (as percentage of bankroll) - so no "big risks" will be permissable......
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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast

OK, GaF. 6 months or so seems like a reasonable timescale to me, so maybe the end of the year would be a good finishing date? (Visions of 100 PLers staying in on New Years Eve in a desperate final fling.)
Er... Guess what I was doing N.Y.E. 2005.:$ Surely a month is a reasonable time scale - or even for the duration of the WC? It'll take me that long to get used to not having chips. P.S. :lol@Devil Tish
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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast

why? - am interested in this statement Damian
Personally - I see that as just an opinion rather than a fact. I think people have different styles of poker and obviously for some 6 max is more suitable. i always found that full ring tables made me more money. I know that you get a lot more action at a 6 max table - for me this is not necessarily a good thing , I can only suggest you keep trying them out until you find what suits you best
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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast

faster rounds' date=' more hands, less chances of being beat. for quick cash increases they are better than 9/10 seats.[/quote'] Unless you multitable - is easier to play 5x 10 seaters than 5x 6 seaters
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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast 6 handed has increased variance over 10 handed, so in theory 10 handed should yield a better chance of profit with a small bankroll - more opportunities to get lock hands before getting blinded. Whether it works out that way in reality is another thing, personal playing style at different table types may negate it - but in theory if you don't have the bankroll to absorb the swings you want to be playing against more people not less.

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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast interesting responses cash games IMHO are about waiting for good cards in the right position - much easier at a 10 seater than a 6 I believe - and at a 6 people play looser (from my experience) so raising with hands its not as likely to drive people out as they believe that their hands have more strength. And I think te pressure of the regular blinds also makes people play looser, so I think you see more bad beats Just my thoughts Damo

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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast Some interesting points being raised here and for what its worth, heres what happened to me on tuesday. I decided to get the 25 raked hands required for a shot at the $20,000 on SO. Had a word with The Pink Queen who advised me to multi-play 2 or 3 5/10c tables at a time, see all the flops but only play if I hit. This i did and what I saw was staggering, most if not all winning hands were ones ANY self respecting player would dump pre flop let alone see to the river and the amount of winners that were made on the river to beat pre-river favourites was amazing. I suppose what i'm getting at is, IMO the higher the blinds, the better the standard of play, so rewarding the more skillfull player. C.R. (If i'm wrong, dont slaughter me, i'm having a bad run:cry )

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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast

Have just listened to it briefly once so far, but the crux seems to be to only risk 5% of your bankroll on a (cash) table. If you double it, you get out......... SO he started on the 1c/2c tables and worked his way up........
What a buzz! :D Just done my first 'practice' double up.
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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast

so are u playing limit tables?to start with a dollar on no limit you normally need to sit down with 3/4 dollars
For me this is an experiment in playing cash games. I bought in with the minimum $1 on i-pokers (Betfred, CD, Titan etc...) micro tables (1c/2c).
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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast Tribeca (Bluesquare, Paddypower, vc, thesunpoker) have .02/.04 cent buy in's along with 10 cent sit and goes.) Try doing what I did and start Bluesquare with nothing. Play the bankroll booster game until you win some cash, then take it to the cash tables.

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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast :rollin :rollin :rollin thought i'd give this a go,but started with a $4.00 bankroll playing on the 10 cent nl on goalpoker.lost my bankroll 3 times(did he mention that happening?) anyways pulled it back and am now up,keeping a detailed log which i will post up in a few days.:hope

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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast Just tried out the 5c/10c SO NL table, went in with the minimun $2 and tried to double up but couldn't help coming out with $7.55 5mins later, I'm on my way. There's $20,000 with my name on it out there :D Is that the idea? Am a wee bit confused with the 5% start up bit.

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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast

:rollin :rollin :rollin thought i'd give this a go,but started with a $4.00 bankroll playing on the 10 cent nl on goalpoker.lost my bankroll 3 times(did he mention that happening?)
He only took 5% of his bankroll to the table (well, 10% to start with because that was the minimum buy-in), and quit a table before his next big blind after he'd doubled up, so he was never risking more than about 10% (or 20% to start with) of his bankroll. If you buy-in for your entire bankroll every time, then there is a high probability that you will lose it all at some stage.
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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast only bought in with the entire bankroll at the start,now i am in front im still going in with the $4 i started with(min buy in)and leaving the rest banked.up to a profit of 350% atm,could move up to the next level but think i will continue where i am for now

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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast I just stumbled back across this forum as I havent played poker for a good few months after blowing a lot of $$$. I decided that I wouldnt play for money again, but considering there isnt much to lose I gave this a go. 1st table 15mins 6 handed 2c/5c Pot Limit Holdem - Start 50c Finish 1.50 2nd table 45mins 6 handed 2c/5c Pot Limit Holdem - Start 50c Finish 2.75 This is much more fun than throwing away $70 a go!

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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast I've been having a little go. But I'm doing it properly! Starting with a dollar, and none of this cheating by starting again if you lose it! If I go broke, that's it. Out on the streets and "Spare some change for a game of poker, guv?" I've bought in for 40c in the Paradise Poker 1c/2c game. Putting 40% of your worldly possessions on a NL table is SCARY, but that's the smallest buy-in I can find, so there's no way around it. But in the early stages, while you're underfinanced, this is all about survival. Chris Ferguson's strategy of playing until you double your buy-in is just suicidal recklessness at this stage. If your initial 40c grows to 60c, it's just CRAZY to stay at the table and risk half your bankroll, when you could only risk one third of it by going to another table and buying in again for 40c. I'm sure the right thing to do is to leave the table as soon as you have more than 40c (or wait until just before your next big blind in case you get dealt a premium hand). I have this mental block that's cost me dear playing at these micro-stake tables. I face a raise and think "That's a tiny raise ... I've obviously got pot-odds to call!" It's only after I click "call" that it occurs to me that this "tiny" raise of $0.20 or so is actually a huge overbet. I've done that three times! I really must be more careful.

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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast No ferguson says that you quit when you get to 10% of your bankroll. e.g if you are up to $3 then when you make .30c you quit when it gets to your BB. At least I think thats what he says. Im up to $7 now. woo hoo!

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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast

No ferguson says that you quit when you get to 10% of your bankroll. e.g if you are up to $3 then when you make .30c you quit when it gets to your BB. At least I think thats what he says.
He was buying in for 5% of his bankroll, so it comes to the same thing. Sorry, I didn't mean to say "Chris Ferguson is wrong!" I just meant that while you're forced to buy in for more than 5% of your bankroll, then the strategy should be far more cautious.
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Re: Chris "Jesus" Fergusson Podcast Finally got my $1 up to over $2 on Paradise last night, but I'm not going to feel out of immediate danger until I have around $5. I always thought I was pretty good at dealing with bad beats, but it hurts a lot more when your livelihood is at stake. Plus at the 1c/2c tables they happen a lot more because so many people keep calling with complete rubbish. I haven't actually abused anybody in chat yet, but there's a head-shaped dent in my living room wall.

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