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Copenhagen Pics are here... more to come


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Re: Copenhagen Aug 25/26/27, Need To Know Definites

we playing poker fri and sat then? confused
Yep... a poker tourney both days... 1 in my flat and 1 in the summerhouse. BUT.... We're going out friday night after the poker... think you guys need to see what it's like to REALLY hit the town :nana :nana Pubs never close here, you know :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2 :beer :beer :beer :beer Am at my parents house now, to go over the details for the day in the summer house. Noone need to bring tents, sleeping bags or anything. All you need to bring is sheets for the beds and covers for a quilt and pillow :ok Then it would be great if you brought your swim suits... sea is still warm here :loon :loon :loon ...and bring a small flashlight... and watch out for the ghosts :loon ...and the snakes... Dinner will be great btw :nana :nana :nana See you soon Pene
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Re: Copenhagen Aug 25/26/27, Need To Know Definites Friday's poker saw Philossify beat Ronay in a heads up, with Pene's sister's boyfriend (Jakob) 3rd and Milou taking the final prize in 4th. My danish teacher Rikke made a great debut with so little poker experience, finishing 6th. A lot of the favourites were taken out early, with Jakob being the main lucky culprit! I don't think I've ever seen so many dominated hands win races before, which proves live poker is most definitely fixed. :loon :loon Jeffers tried to make use of his short stack by going all in with 72o only to get 2 callers, and ace high won that hand, so not miles away. :loon Phil was completely off his tits last night, staggering around Copenhagen central, giggling like a loon! :lol So maybe I can get a bye or at least a hungover champ. :nana So, now we're off to the Summerhouse for a barbecue, more beer and more poker and a PL Live Heads Up between me and Philossify. Another danish update tomorrow. :ok

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Re: Copenhagen Aug 25/26/27, Need To Know Definites Yes, really sorry I couldn't make this. Hope you're going to do it again! Have a great time for the rest of the weekend ... and I hope there's somebody there sober enough to remember the result of Phil and Paul's HU match!

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Re: Copenhagen Aug 25/26/27, Need To Know Definites What a quality weekend so far...my flight home was at 4pm today, but I'm still here :tongue2 Superb at the summerhouses, you'll see the pics later of some of us swimming in the sea, while it absolutely p!sses down with rain :lol Needless to say, I won an STT we had earlier today with 11 people, first hand HU with Pen, her KK busted by my AA - how dya like them eggs :ok I big thanks to Hanneh (sp :unsure) and Glen for having us round the summerhouses, very nice people and great food - and a bit mad too for swimming in the sea at 7am :ok Good to put faces to names too, 6ooner and Milou (will join you for a beer dans Brugge soon :tongue2), Viggo, and others we'd met before. Ok, time to raid the fridge for a beer :loon

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Re: Copenhagen Aug 25/26/27, Need To Know Definites

Oh' date=' one more thing - it NEVER stops raining in Denmark :eek :eek :eek[/quote'] Coooome oooon, today is nice and sunny :ok Get out of bed, Mark... (he's asleep in the next room) Well... a great weekend so far. Mo, Ronay, Mark, Milou and 6ooner are still in the city... We had a fabulous 30 hours in the summerhouses. Great food, great drinks and great poker :ok Icewoman, Lars's girlfriend won the saturday night MTT in the summerhouse :loon Milou came 2nd and I came 3rd... female podium :nana We came back to Copenhagen last night, and Mo, Ronay, Mark, Paul and I ordered the best burgers in town and crashed in my livingroom in front of the DVD... 6ooner and Milou were visiting friends in Copenhagen...and Phil needed to sleep :zzz We'll all meet up later today and do some sight seeing... I just need to teach 2 math lessons at school... in an hour :eek ... (multi tasking) Anyway... super weekend so far :clap AND... thanks to my mum and Glen for having all of us partying in the summerhouses... :ok I am sure Glen made most of them drink his harsh shots... :lol Pics to come...
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Re: Copenhagen Aug 25/26/27, Need To Know Definites Phil beat me in the heads up. :sad :sad He raised, I called with very little as usual :lol - Flop came 8 7 2 which gave Phil trip 8's and me the nut flush draw, so I went for it and he called, but I didn't hit. :sad :sad Well done Phil, or should I say after his pissed up Central Copenhagen performance, Benny Hill! :rollin :rollin

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Re: Copenhagen Aug 25/26/27, Need To Know Definites first off i want to thank Mrs and Mr penelopy for being fantastic hosts, and the food was superb!!!!!:notworthy and to Pen for a great few days was awsome thankyou:clap :clap :clap along with everyone else that made the weekend enjoyable:clap ok the beach trip as soon as we got halfway there it fookin tipped it down philwatertm6.jpg phil and vig, daring to face the storm while other nutters swam! paulrainwf3.jpg paul showing em how we do it in blighty! goonerraineu1.jpg the rest of us watching on with erm.... awe? (gooner and milou) jeffraintx1.jpg jeffers drying himself off, or not as the case may be penskimmingmf9.jpg Pen skimming, which was a much better attempt than paul who nearly took a few heads off:rollin :loon lmao! lilawsomepicwu5.jpg and probably the best picture ive ever taken!!!!! Lilliars and his girlfriend a few pics from the summerhouse penhostqi1.jpg The fabulous host chronicqw2.jpg Chronic the wonderdog lol penpualwrestlingxw8.jpg theres a time and a place, few drinks and there anyones! chocolatefountainpl1.jpg the chocolate fountain mmmmmmm lightningfq1.jpg the storm gets worse!! this was a liitle one compared to some off them never seen anything like it and finally a few pics from the sights after the weekend, (most poker pics were on pens camera) ride1ne9.jpg a ride in tivoli amusement park ride2qu9.jpg yup you guessed it, some nutters had to have a go:loon rollercoasterzs1.jpg they then moved on to this one!! penteddybearxh1.jpg Pens prize from paul after he (ahem) cheated to win it;) pendummymv8.jpg Paul finally found a way to keep her quiet for 2 mins;) tiberlyawsomenightshotvh3.jpg a nice scenic pic moronaygt8.jpg moFace n Ronay traings9.jpg and ermm a nice train i saw lol, i got loads more but these are the best hope u enjoy:ok :ok :ok

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Re: Copenhagen Aug 25/26/27, Need To Know Definites :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Those are awesome pics, Mo :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Thanks to you guys for participating in making it such a fabulous weekend... Will post mine tomorrow :ok

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Re: Copenhagen Pics are here... more to come Friday Nights Poker in my flat :ok Thomas(milou and 6ooners friend), Ronay, Mo, Viggo, Mark (jeffers) and my sister kbenhavn001vb4.jpg Sue (Milou), Phil and Rikke (Paul's Danish teacher :loon ) kbenhavn002uh3.jpg Christina (Icewoman) Checking out Paul's stack :loon kbenhavn003xj0.jpg Lillelars and Steve (6ooner) kbenhavn004mt6.jpg Viggo, Mark and my sister (Sanne) kbenhavn005nm3.jpg Both tables playing... kbenhavn006lh1.jpg Final table, Smoking Girl in green shirt... my best friend Katia (Vertigo online) Milou and Ronay in the final 4... Phil won :clap kbenhavn007dg9.jpg Pics from the summerhouses tomorrow :ok

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Re: Copenhagen Pics are here... more to come

Great pics Mo! Especially the one of the chocolate fountain... wish I'd been there!!
Ooooooooh, Milou and 6ooner brought that... along with Belgian Chocolate... It was absolutely orgasmic (this was 6ooner's word for it) :loon :nana :clap
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