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how was your virgin freeroll ?


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21st for me. :@ who says fortune comes in threes? Here's how my luck changed for the worst - in 3 consecutive hands: Hand #306139377 at table: V-point FR Started: Sun May 21 21:46:58 2006 wallg1 is at seat 2 with 7035.00 HEY_JUDE is at seat 3 with 11595.00 bambino10 is at seat 4 with 16527.00 piggy72 is at seat 5 with 7640.00 wardmice1 is at seat 6 with 11750.00 sicont is at seat 7 with 18500.00 alex_UKGF is at seat 8 with 24265.00 Sparky Mar is at seat 10 with 7680.00 HEY_JUDE posts the large blind 2000.00 wallg1 posts the small blind 1000.00 wallg1: --, -- HEY_JUDE: --, -- bambino10: --, -- piggy72: --, -- wardmice1: --, -- sicont: --, -- alex_UKGF: Jc, Jh Sparky Mar: --, -- Pre-flop: bambino10: Fold piggy72: Fold wardmice1: Fold sicont: Fold alex_UKGF: All in Sparky Mar: Fold wallg1: Fold HEY_JUDE: All in Showdown: HEY_JUDE shows: Kd, Kh (a pair of Kings) alex_UKGF shows: Jc, Jh (a pair of Jacks) Flop (Board: 8h, Ah, 5h): Turn (Board: 8h, Ah, 5h, 2d): River (Board: 8h, Ah, 5h, 2d, Qh): HEY_JUDE shows: Kd, Kh (ace high flush) Mainpot: HEY_JUDE wins the pot of 28190 with ace high flush (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #306140907 at table: V-point FR Started: Sun May 21 21:48:09 2006 wallg1 is at seat 2 with 7035.00 HEY_JUDE is at seat 3 with 27190.00 bambino10 is at seat 4 with 16527.00 piggy72 is at seat 5 with 5640.00 wardmice1 is at seat 6 with 11750.00 sicont is at seat 7 with 18500.00 alex_UKGF is at seat 8 with 10670.00 Sparky Mar is at seat 10 with 7680.00 piggy72 posts the large blind 2000.00 bambino10 posts the small blind 1000.00 bambino10: --, -- piggy72: --, -- wardmice1: --, -- sicont: --, -- alex_UKGF: 9d, 9c Sparky Mar: --, -- wallg1: --, -- HEY_JUDE: --, -- Pre-flop: wardmice1: Fold sicont: Fold alex_UKGF: All in Sparky Mar: Fold wallg1: All in HEY_JUDE: Fold bambino10: Fold piggy72: Fold Showdown: wallg1 shows: Kh, Ks (a pair of Kings) alex_UKGF shows: 9d, 9c (a pair of Nines) Flop (Board: Jh, 10h, 4c): Turn (Board: Jh, 10h, 4c, 4h): River (Board: Jh, 10h, 4c, 4h, Jc): wallg1 shows: Kh, Ks (two pair, Kings and Jacks) Mainpot: wallg1 wins the pot of 17070 with two pair, Kings and Jacks (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #306141886 at table: V-point FR Started: Sun May 21 21:48:55 2006 wallg1 is at seat 2 with 17070.00 HEY_JUDE is at seat 3 with 27190.00 bambino10 is at seat 4 with 16527.00 piggy72 is at seat 5 with 4640.00 wardmice1 is at seat 6 with 9750.00 sicont is at seat 7 with 18500.00 alex_UKGF is at seat 8 with 3635.00 Sparky Mar is at seat 10 with 7680.00 wardmice1 posts the large blind 2000.00 piggy72 posts the small blind 1000.00 piggy72: --, -- wardmice1: --, -- sicont: --, -- alex_UKGF: Ac, Kc Sparky Mar: --, -- wallg1: --, -- HEY_JUDE: --, -- bambino10: --, -- Pre-flop: sicont: Fold alex_UKGF: All in Sparky Mar: All in wallg1: Fold HEY_JUDE: Fold bambino10: Fold piggy72: Fold wardmice1: Fold Showdown: alex_UKGF shows: Ac, Kc (high card, Ace) Sparky Mar shows: As, Qh (high card, Ace) Flop (Board: 2h, 5h, 9h): Turn (Board: 2h, 5h, 9h, Qd): River (Board: 2h, 5h, 9h, Qd, Qs): Sparky Mar shows: As, Qh (three of a kind, Queens) Mainpot: Sparky Mar wins the pot of 10270 with three of a kind, Queens better luck on wednesday I hope.:cheers

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Re: how was your virgin freeroll ? Out 5th - was in 2nd place & went all-in against top stack with KK He had J 9 - Flop A 9 10 J 4 How many points does 5th get ayway ???? (Dealt AA five times in one night - but only called once - gutted - lol)

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Re: how was your virgin freeroll ? Out 4th (PhilR2211) - Walllg you were very unlucky with your KK. In your position - I would have went all in before flop against that big stack to try protect against A on the flop and him having an ace - as it is he stayed with J9 (if memory serves). 4th is 10K points, 5th is 9K points I think and since they are worth a penny each (I think) that means you won £90 and I get £100 - not bad for a freeroll especially as its in pounds not dollars.

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Guest gazza271

Re: how was your virgin freeroll ? Think i went out in 16th ???? Was 2nd overall at the time,Dealt QQ and raised 4x BB. One caller and flop KKrag. Other chap bets 10k but i knew he didnt have a K or AA (He had already been all in several times with much worse) so i go all in, he calls and turns over Ah? and then hits 3 hearts for a flush:@ :@ :@ Fcuking stupid game anyway :sad :sad

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