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Football/poker on 5


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Did anyone c this Gus Hansen and his team mate, only 2 in the hand Gus has K J v J J flop was 8 k J now, team poker being the thing here, should this have been checked to the end what actually happened Gus went all in and got called/lost I think this was silly in a team game Anyone?

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Re: Football/poker on 5

Totally agree' date=' silly thing to do , if team points are needed from both.[/quote'] No points needed, its the last team player/players standing that takes the team through to the next round. Hansen's play was sort of a hint but how could you lay down trip Jacks against a member of your "team".The other outcome was Denmark would have had 2 players left and over 60 pecent of the chips. Think they said last man standing on the table gets $10,000. Mind you that was Hansen's only hand he hit all the others he played he was beaten but bluffed the players of the pot.Damn good fun.
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