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PKR Beta testing


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Re: PKR Beta testing I ran the site on a laptop and tbh it was very slow and jerky. I'll try it again when I restart windows. I also have a PC with a fast graphics card but its not currently connected to the internet. It took an absolute age to load in and connect to the lobby but I suppose this can be worked on. The one good idea I liked was having to look at my cards. It really did give a read on my opponents (and can be used to bluff others). The jerkyness however ruined everything for me but I'll give it another go when I get the PC connected. Rednutt, they say that they will be inviting others over the next week or so and also starting freeroll soon.

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Re: PKR Beta testing I played my first full STT. Plenty of options, decent standard (for play money) and as I said earlier, looking at your cards is a decent tell on a player (even though it can be annoying having to click on them every single hand). You also have the option to show one or both of your cards at the end of a hand. Gives an extra piece of information. I need it running on my PC to fully appreciate it though. BTW, I came 3rd out of 6.

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Re: PKR Beta testing have to say i played it for the first time tonight and i really liked it.only problem for me is i think it might have a bit too much going on for the hardcore poker player.but you gotta love being able to flick over just the one card.i think you could sent a lot of ppl on the tilt if they think you r taking the piss which can only be a good thing.:ok

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Re: PKR Beta testing just played my first games, heads up. few points. 1. Alot of processor needed, it crashes my laptop:@ I need my PC 2. Nice graphics, nice extras, looking at cards, showing one, changing ur mood and other emoticons, alot of chat options, changing cam angles 3. Bit 2 much going, if its plain poker u want stay away. 4. Overall its looks and plays very well, but how long will the little fun extras stay fun. But still NICE ONE:clap

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Re: PKR Beta testing Had a brief play the other night and while it does add a fancy touch to a poker game I think there are a few things that will put quite a few people off such as: 1 - The initial download. I forgot to check the exact size but it took me over 15 minutes at full speed (~200k/s) on a 2MB line. That's a large download for those users on 56k modems (and that's still a large percentage) 2 - Memory requirements. Was running at over 300MB of ram on my PC (I have 1GB DDR). Again, most home users have 256/512MB so it will struggle on there. 3 - CPU Usage - constantly running at around 40-60% percentage usage (2.4 GHz P4 on my PC). Not great and you certainly couldn't multitable on this site! The graphics felt very stuttery when I played. There was about 6/7 on the table with half of them doing chip tricks etc. Felt like it was running at a framerate of about 5fps, not easy on the eyes at all! I think the idea is great and will certainly attract a lot players who just play for fun but I really don't think it will be one for those that take their poker a little more seriously.

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Re: PKR Beta testing

Hi rednutt, you actually are down for advanced registration rather than for beta testing. I will make some changes and add you to the next list of people invited to beta test tomorrow. Hope you enjoy, Andy
Ok thanks,, btw whats advanced registration????:unsure
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Re: PKR Beta testing We are in beta stage so not expecting everthing to be perfect yet but we've been really encouraged by the general feedback. In response to some of your questions: The initial download. I forgot to check the exact size but it took me over 15 minutes at full speed (~200k/s) on a 2MB line. That's a large download for those users on 56k modems (and that's still a large percentage)During Beta users have to download the full client . Once launched properly, users will have a much smaller initial download to get them playing. This will be under a quarter the current file size and the rest will be downloaded in the background while you play. We can send out cd's at launch to those with 56k modems. Memory requirements. Was running at over 300MB of ram on my PC (I have 1GB DDR). Again, most home users have 256/512MB so it will struggle on there.We’re optimizing this through Beta. The game is targeted at PC’s with 256Mb or more. CPU Usage - constantly running at around 40-60% percentage usage (2.4 GHz P4 on my PC). Not great and you certainly couldn't multitable on this site! Again, we’re working optimizations for CPU usage, but even so that doesn’t affect multitabling in any way. The graphics felt very stuttery when I played. There was about 6/7 on the table with half of them doing chip tricks etc. Felt like it was running at a framerate of about 5fps, not easy on the eyes at all! yes, we know and there are slight problems and again we are working on improvements as I type. I ran the site on a laptop and tbh it was very slow and jerky.The site is in beta test and we are in the process of improving the the speed issues that you mentioned. As with any site you see for play money the raked hands are significantly slower as so many more players are involved in each pot. That said there have been hand rates at +75 per hr in shorthanded games and +120 in heads up.

All feedback is useful so let me know how you are getting on Cheers, Andy.

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Re: PKR Beta testing

Hi rednutt, you actually are down for advanced registration rather than for beta testing. I will make some changes and add you to the next list of people invited to beta test tomorrow. Hope you enjoy, Andy
Think I might have advance registered as well Andy. If you need more beta testers than I'm more than happy to oblige.:D
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