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$ 17.000 added freeroll on Nordic Bet Wednesday


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Re: $ 17.000 added freeroll on Nordic Bet Wednesday Started with a triple up first hand, AK all in won, Up and down like a yoyo, eventually out in 900th or something like that when i got all in A-10 suited, 1 caller he turns over pocket 9's a 10 on the flop with all clubs on board. and river is final club i am out to his flush. I must add here now that Damatrix when down to only about 260 in chips, and now up to 6K, Good luck all thats left in :hope

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Re: $ 17.000 added freeroll on Nordic Bet Wednesday Great effort Jomell :notworthy I had fun for the 5 minutes I was in the tourny....:tongue2 I got K-K and went all in, got called by some chap with A-4 and the flop come out.... A - A - A All over instantly for me ........:(

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Re: $ 17.000 added freeroll on Nordic Bet Wednesday Thanks guys. When i went out i had 54,000 chips...sounds a lot but the chip leader had 995,000 :lol Blinds were 30,000/15,000 Could have creep up the leaderboard a bit more but you have to play to win!

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