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New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.


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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. just play tight until Level 3 (50/100) then start loosening up :) Damo

man i cant remember how to play make that p7 w1 think the competition bit too good for me if sharpy sits next to me once more im gonna shoot myself
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. Played my 2nd one tonight and finished 2nd but got abuse from the guy who won, almax147. I didn't even provoke him, his parting words were " now f*** off". :@ Won't be playing again, upset me.:sad

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

Played my 2nd one tonight and finished 2nd but got abuse from the guy who won, almax147. I didn't even provoke him, his parting words were " now f*** off". :@ Won't be playing again, upset me.:sad
Please don't let morons like him put you off. His username is known and I don't think I would be the only PL'er who would be happy to rip him to bits if and when I (we) can.
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

Played my 2nd one tonight and finished 2nd but got abuse from the guy who won, almax147. I didn't even provoke him, his parting words were " now f*** off". :@ Won't be playing again, upset me.:sad
dan dan when i played there was anothe dandan 26 or something we though was you, who was being a twat i think probably thought it was you m8
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

I complained to [email protected] about him' date= do you think they'll take any action?
I experienced the same from Pimp... GaF, Sharp1ne and myself got called all kinds of things... He was reported too... We took his chips though... the abusive players are often very bad players too :ok Don't let people like that scare you off ;) ... you are better than they are :ok ...in all aspects...
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. In all honesty probably nothing more than a mild warning about language. Unfortunately all to often these sites think they can just brush it under the carpet and keep you both happy so they keep raking from you both.After all what do they lose? My opinion but I'd be surprised to be wrong :(

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. He is a "respected" member of another forum (from the poker.co.uk forum challenge) as far as I know - he was heads up with eltrev in the jonny vegas qualifiers too - and he spoke very highly of his sportsmanship (if I'm thinking of the same player) - so not sure why he would go off on one like that - but seems like it may be "out of character" (not that that is an excuse) But don't let him put you off - if you are on the same table with him again - turn your chat off - rise above him (I KNOW it's easy to say that - but if you don't play again, you're missing out - not him!!)

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

Nope - I'm wrong - mixed him up with someone else :$
I was about to post with your "respected member of another forum" post when I noticed this post. Obviously I was watching when she was playing and the guy was a complete a###hole, completely unprovoked torrent of abuse.. A bit of banter is fine but no need for that. Dumbass must be having a bad day :lol
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. Regarding Almax147 after walloping him on a few games he was sat at the same table as DanDan2k6. Almax kept getting abused off this one,maybe he thought this was the one and only(of PuntersLounge fame)DanDan.He played fine with me and gave me lots of his money.

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. Good luck with this guys. Been having a good time on the tables recently so was considering joining this. Thank god for the reality check that kicked in. Now go win this thing. :ok

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

good start so far 5 played ' date='2wins ,2 seconds and one third ,think i might give this a really good effort,there doesnt seem to be many playing it:ok[/quote'] Thats a very good start Uber... Me: 10 games... 4 wins, and 2 seconds... I will give it a go too... :ok
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

Regarding Almax147 after walloping him on a few games he was sat at the same table as DanDan2k6. Almax kept getting abused off this one' date='maybe he thought this was the one and only(of PuntersLounge fame)DanDan.He played fine with me and gave me lots of his money.[/quote'] Well done Sharpe, obviously a case of mistaken identity although with his powers of observation he should probably give the poker a miss :lol . Hopefully you can fleece him a bit more though, am sure that will cheers up the mrs. Cheers:ok
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. Wish they would add to that ticker at the bottom of the Sporting Odds(the one that says about this league) and just add to it " if your not bothered about the league still come and play if you like $5 stt play anyway"

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