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How many inches you got lads?


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Sorry if this question is a tad on the personal side - please don't feel obliged to answer if it makes you uncomfortable. Reason I ask - I've just invested some of my poker winnings in a really snazzy new 20" widescreen monitor and it's superb!!!! Still have my dual monitors - so 17" and 20" - how did I ever survive with just 14"???? (funny - the chat on Betfair - sure Jomell will be in here quick :P) Below is a screen dump of what I can do with my 37"!!! (Calm down ladies!!!) screen6nz.jpg

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Re: How many inches you got lads? Well IF and only IF, I can use it downstairs then i have a 37", I must admit i have used it on the tv in the lounge and its awesome:ok But for me in my room i have a 17" and also laptop is 17"

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Re: How many inches you got lads? Dual 17" TFTs set to 1280/1024 for me. Getting serious monitor envy recently though :( spend my time trawling thru ebay like other guys look at sports cars in auto trader. Seriously considering the new dell 30" wide tft but not sure if I can justify the price, also considering waiting for better hdcp support with vista on the way.

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Re: How many inches you got lads? All you need is 17 inches, some skill and the moves peeps! If your big on multitabling though the monitors something you need to consider. Im talking 4 tables+ by true multitabling though. 1,2,3 tables is dandy on 17". i was on 15" til about 2 months ago but that did me proud like. Still it looks well crap in comparison to a bigger one with nice resolution in retrospect now. p.s i lied about the 17", I actually have a projector which can blow up to a few hundred inches and I use the side of my house as the canvas. Play poker on the street innit

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Re: How many inches you got lads? Very snazzy, I've got a 19" monitor but as soon as we get a desk for 'The Surgery' I'll be getting my spare 32" LCD tv down there for the PC :nana However, GaF, I did notice you had poker spy and various monitors watching the games and giving out all the stats and probabilty you need to make accurate, well balance descisions whilst playing. Why do you keep getting beat by women?:loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon

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Re: How many inches you got lads?

Do the Danish have a word for tact, Pene? :$ OK, no more Mr. Nice Guy! Time to reveal what they eat in Denmark: http://www.danishfood.net/ProductInfo.asp?ID=302 Actually, I was lying. It's really only 10.6" :cry
Tact??? I better go look that word up ;) And those "Spunks"...they are DELISH :loon ...really...one of my absolute favourites...and this is NOT a language barrier!!!!
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Re: How many inches you got lads? I play on a 14" (12.4" visible...where does the extra 1.6" go?) CRT in monochrome green. MS DOS has trouble with multi-table display too! Wish Bill Gates would get his latest inventions to us northerners!

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Re: How many inches you got lads? More seriously though, I have a 15.4" (that point 4 makes all the difference I swear!) WXGA WIDEscreen! Length and girth without being scary I feel. Or is it just me trying to make myself feel better? The bonus is, I can take it anywhere! Portable pleasure as I like to call it!

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Re: How many inches you got lads?

It's these horrific sweets that taste of licqorice and salt' date=' I saw them in the news agents "SPUNK" so had to buy them.[/quote'] I know it as Turkish pepper, it's bloody marvellous if put a pack in some vodka though, after a week it's rocket fuel. Still - I don't think I could put spunk in my vodka!:puke
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