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NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May


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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May :wall damn had 3 tables going wtf was i doing:wall :wall :wall i need a slap:@ kk beaten by gooners quad 8s nh m8 v annoyed with myself cos i know i cant concentrate with 2 let alone 3 aaaaaaaaaargh still lasted 1 hand:wall :wall :wall :wall :wall although prob would have died against that anyway but not all in grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:@ :@ :@ :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :sad :sad :sad edit : ooh just remembered its best average this time all is not lost:D :sad :D :D :sad :wall :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May no getting away from that heinek. u did everything right ...thats poker sometimes ul. i made a play with k/k trying to catch u or someone else trying a raise...i got action vs the ace and it hit.. im still annoyed at that!!! and as i type hit a set in bb with 3 limpers and an ace on flop ... no one bets and turn a river bring 4 to a flush:( annoying game at times

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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

Pene, make sure u do something useful with my chips tonite there's a good girl Damo :cheers
dont give her ideas hehe:tongue2 unlucky rob KK not the hand to have tnight :(
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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May bubble boy tonight:( played real solid and only made a few moves...make one when in good shape after doubling with a/a...have a/5 and 1 limper with sb completing...guy has been limping in every other pot and the 900 chips are worth a shot. i re raise and he goes all in with a/ks ....was in shock!!! then make a comeback from 400 chips to 2k and have a/q in bb. button all in with k/9 flop a/9/x turn and river both kings ....lol:):)

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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

:wall damn had 3 tables going wtf was i doing:wall :wall :wall i need a slap:@ kk beaten by gooners quad 8s nh m8 v annoyed with myself cos i know i cant concentrate with 2 let alone 3 aaaaaaaaaargh still lasted 1 hand:wall :wall :wall :wall :wall although prob would have died against that anyway but not all in grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:@ :@ :@ :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :sad :sad :sad edit : ooh just remembered its best average this time all is not lost:D :sad :D :D :sad :wall :D :D :D :D :D
Wow Mo, is that what they mean by 'stream of consciousness'? Do you talk to yourself as you type! Incidently, it's best 5 scores isn't it, not overall average. :unsure
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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May Out in 10th... small stacked... A8 on SB... no callers so far... I am all in against BB... AJ... and not only did he beat me with just that... A J had to come on the flop...and yet another J on the turn... :\ Rub it in, will ya Sporting Odds...

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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

Wow Mo, is that what they mean by 'stream of consciousness'? Do you talk to yourself as you type! Incidently, it's best 5 scores isn't it, not overall average. :unsure
yeah sorry thats what i meant and yeah makes for more interesting reading lol
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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

Hmmm, I might be stupid... or just Danish... or just blonde... But what do you mean by people dropping scores GaF??? :unsure and... :clap :clap :clap Viggo
It's means out of the ten tourneys only your best 5 finishes count do if you didn't enter 5 but won the other 5 only your 5 wins would count to your overall score. BTW: You Danish and Blonde but who could possibly count that against you :D
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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

Hmmm, I might be stupid... or just Danish... or just blonde... But what do you mean by people dropping scores GaF??? :unsure and... :clap :clap :clap Viggo
3 out of 3 aint bad:rollin
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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May wp pene.:) my gf stood in for me tonight and did really well:) finished 15th but said someone called off 1800 of a 4000 stack with j/8 sooooooooooooted and hit the flop.she says she was top 10 for most of the game she should play for me more often:)

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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

wp pene.:) my gf stood in for me tonight and did really well:) finished 15th but said someone called off 1800 of a 4000 stack with j/8 sooooooooooooted and hit the flop.she says she was top 10 for most of the game she should play for me more often:)
Yeah, she did well :D what a crazy call btw... :spank :spank :spank
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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

well played pene :clap :clap and everyone 2nd-6th ! :clap
Aw, thanks for including bubble girl.;) Cup of tea on its way up to you. Now, must log out and get back to my Avon order due in 2 hours ago..
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