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NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May


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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

Thats funny Mo... I just logged in to SO' date=' and my account has been credited with $40... :unsure :unsure no explanation at all...[/quote'] :spank :spank always have to go one better dont you:spank lol nice 1:ok :ok :ok :ok
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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May Hmmmm.....Mine looks about $65 better off :unsure (can't be sure don't know my exact balance before!!!) Cheers 6ooner for the CL heads up :ok

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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May Sat out for 20 minutes, folded everything for 30 minutes and then went all-in with KK and lost to AA. loooooooooooooooooool :) Good luck to everyone left, was multitabling so didn't say much. By the way the increase in money seems to be something to do with the exchange rate I reckon.

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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May Well not much luck tonight, massive thunder storms here so had to shut down a couple of times, think i only played a couple of hands. :sad Soaked to the skin standing outside watching the light show though.:loon

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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May yeah ta 2 big stacks was almost certain to happen, still miffed about that KK v AA but 2nd cant complain too much hit quite a lot tonight, thanks for the support guys and mr.v ahem ill get you a drink in leeds m8 :$

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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

couldnt hit a muppet in the head with an uzi tnight damn game
I would like to thank you all for a good game tonight, and just remind Mo of this post. ;) Well played Mo - unlucky heads up.:clap
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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

By the way the increase in money seems to be something to do with the exchange rate I reckon.
Mine was up 93cents, so if it is exchange rate some of you must have looooooooaaaadsamoney in your account (about $20 in mine). 8th tonight but was chip leader at one point so I should really have hung on better. Should have walked away from a hand against Mo and struggling after that. Anyway $6.36 is a PB for me in MTTs (impressive eh!) so I can't really be disappointed.:ok
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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

Hmmm, I'm out in 1st... No update GaF?? :unsure :unsure
WP pene :clap you do realise its the black country not the big country this time :lol
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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

WP pene :clap you do realise its the black country not the big country this time :lol
Thx MC... completely dead inhere right now... :unsure Well, he must be busy... it's just that... I am used to him being very quick at these things :D :tongue2 He's is probably busy qualifying for WSOP...
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Re: NEW STRUCTURE - Sporting Odds Champions League - May

wp Pen!! think you have ownership on this competition or something have you ever not won 1 lol :clap :notworthy (wonders why i aviod her on sttts hehe)
Well, Mo...ty... But I went out in 76894635th in the first 2 games... so no ownership, I'm afraid ;)
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