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poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST


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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST Woo Hoo I still managed to finish 5th overall without playing last night :cow :cow Had a complete nightmare last night and couldn't get into the site until 1 minute (.. yes, just one minute ) after this started :sad I'd asked 6ooner to sign me in, just in case I couldn't get back from work in time to register. What I didn't tell him was that I'd changed my password :wall . He therefore, naturally, used my old one which wouldn't work and therefore locked me out of the site. I phoned poker.co.uk's support line, the best they could do was say - we'll pass it through to our technical guys to reset it and you'll just have to wait for an email, no they couldn't register me manually, and no there was no-one in their tech team I could talk to, I'd just have to wait for the email. Email turned up at 9.15pm, just too late:cry :cry :cry Anyway, well done to The Cloud :clap :clap :clap , and everyone else who finished up in the top spots and remind me what you were saying the other day MCFC......."I can't be caught now" :unsure ;)

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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST

Woo Hoo I still managed to finish 5th overall without playing last night :cow :cow Had a complete nightmare last night and couldn't get into the site until 1 minute (.. yes, just one minute ) after this started :sad I'd asked 6ooner to sign me in, just in case I couldn't get back from work in time to register. What I didn't tell him was that I'd changed my password :wall . He therefore, naturally, used my old one which wouldn't work and therefore locked me out of the site. I phoned poker.co.uk's support line, the best they could do was say - we'll pass it through to our technical guys to reset it and you'll just have to wait for an email, no they couldn't register me manually, and no there was no-one in their tech team I could talk to, I'd just have to wait for the email. Email turned up at 9.15pm, just too late:cry :cry :cry Anyway, well done to The Cloud :clap :clap :clap , and everyone else who finished up in the top spots and remind me what you were saying the other day MCFC......."I can't be caught now" :unsure ;)
it was 4am in Paris after a night of free champagne and we were in a gay bar so I may have been referring to the barman :ok
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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 5 - Monday 22nd May 21:15 BST Hi all, I've been out of the office for most of today, so the win bonuses are going to be paid tomorrow. Thanks everyone for playing :) And congratulations to theCloud for taking down series 1!!

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