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Sporting Odds MTT May Leg 5


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Re: Sporting Odds MTT May Leg 5 :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

Hand #316949036 at table: $1 Challenge Started: Wed May 31 21:32:40 2006 Higgs23pl is at seat 2 with 2255.00 hardmanm9 is at seat 3 with 1225.00 elmcroft is at seat 4 with 690.00 mavrick197 is at seat 5 with 2795.00 eltrev is at seat 6 with 2852.00 rtb147 is at seat 7 with 720.00 slapdash is at seat 8 with 1815.00 rednutt is at seat 9 with 1840.00 MCFC66 is at seat 10 with 2593.00 hardmanm9 posts the large blind 50.00 Higgs23pl posts the small blind 25.00 Higgs23pl: Jh, 9h hardmanm9: --, -- elmcroft: --, -- mavrick197: --, -- eltrev: --, -- rtb147: --, -- slapdash: --, -- rednutt: --, -- MCFC66: --, -- Pre-flop: elmcroft: Fold mavrick197: Fold eltrev: Fold rtb147: Raise 150.00 slapdash: Fold rednutt: Fold MCFC66: Fold Higgs23pl: Call 150.00 hardmanm9: Fold Flop (Board: Ad, 10s, 7h): Higgs23pl: Check rtb147: Bet 150.00 Higgs23pl: Raise 450.00 rtb147: All in Higgs23pl: Call 570.00 Showdown: Higgs23pl shows: Jh, 9h (high card, Ace) rtb147 shows: Ah, 5h (a pair of Aces) Turn (Board: Ad, 10s, 7h, Jd): River (Board: Ad, 10s, 7h, Jd, Js): Higgs23pl shows: Jh, 9h (three of a kind, Jacks) Mainpot: Higgs23pl wins the pot of 1490 with three of a kind, Jacks (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)
I honestly didn't believe you had the A mate, very, very unlucky, but funny as fcuk!
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT May Leg 5 Out in 20th tonight. Probably shouldn't have played, found myself folding a lot and never really got going as I'm not feeling great today :puke Left really shortstacked and went all in with 7's, called by AJ and the A flopped. Anyway back off to bed, good luck to all left in it.:ok Steve.

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT May Leg 5 Gone in 12th commiting all in against a pair of Aces:lol I've a funny feeling i'm TQM's lucky charm.Everytime he lands on me table I watch him comeback from nowhere:unsure .Also everytime i said GL to the Iceman he won his hands.:loon Another fun game and some banter.GL all who are left:ok

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT May Leg 5 Well done Run - and from short stack coming into the FT. :clap Late surge this month - try to keep it up in June (ooer):$ And well done all who have qualified for the freeroll. (Go back and read the whole thread Run! Yes, a freeroll. :lol )

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT May Leg 5 Just as well Avon reads the whole thread - that's twice now in two days :$ Well played everyone, especially tfalbb. No smirking, but in these PL tournaments I do seem to do better if I have to battle and come from behind. The ones I lead I generally end up blowing. :ok

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Re: Sporting Odds MTT May Leg 5

Just as well Avon reads the whole thread - that's twice now in two days :$ Well played everyone, especially tfalbb. No smirking, but in these PL tournaments I do seem to do better if I have to battle and come from behind. The ones I lead I generally end up blowing. :ok
Well played Runa and all who qualified :clap:clap you went from not showing to coming from behind and blowing is avon smiling now?
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Re: Sporting Odds MTT May Leg 5 Wow, what can I say? :loon I'll start by congratulating Runadrum on his victory last night and well done to everyone that made the money. :clap With the standard of poker so high on this forum I'm well chuffed that I managed to make 4 final tables out of the 5 weeks. Anyway, winning is a bonus - taking part and having a bit of banter with friends is what it's all about. :ok A big thanks to GaF for the unbelievable amount of work he puts into these tournies - I don't know how he can keep the updates going whilst playing at 4 or 5 tables at the same time. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy Well done to 'the boss' Paul for managing to secure all these great sponsored Leagues and thanks to Sporting Odds for the generous sponsorship. :ok Anyway, I'm begining to ramble on so I'll end by telling you guys and girls that each and everyone of you is good enough to win this so make sure you all enter next month's one. :clap :clap :clap Cheers :cheers TQM :dude

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