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Freeroll Strategy ?


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Been playing a lot of these on prima over the past couple of weeks, trying to build a free bankroll. I'm trying out a new tactic, first hand, go all in with anything remotely playable. In general at 3 players will call you, sometimes more. If you lose, too bad it cost nothing, there'll be another game in a hour, if it comes good, you've trippled or better your stack, and you then have a postion to play the rest of the tournement from. I then play TAG. Seems to be working ok, starting with 3 or 4 times the bankroll of the rest gives you a great advantage. Although I did have my 3 aces cracked by a straight on the river last time I did it. Do you guys still play freerolls ?? Is my tactic stupid ??

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Re: Freeroll Strategy ? The strategy is fine, I used to do the same, play 2,3,4 at the same time with the aim of doubling, tripling up in the first few hands, then go out for an hour and come back, when the game is sensible, I am fresh and only an couple hours till the finish Great way to a bank roll, Good Luck

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Re: Freeroll Strategy ? I think your strategy is called "Standard Hungarian" - you could of course move to "Advanced Hungarian" by obtaining several duplicate ids on each site and then to "Co-operative Advanced Hungarian" by actually learning the language, gathering a circle of Hungarian friends and chip dumping to each other :rollin . [ Apologies to the true poker players from Hungary ] Seriously, its a good strategy for freerolls - particularly cheap ones - where you don't want to spend hours to win peanuts (or go out close to the money).

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