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Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair


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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair I have dicey shafty and dudek on my table :D OMG just got taken out... AK i had and raised to 1200 the guy next to me went all in and someone else called all in so i called also...1st guy had AQ next guy had KQ board hit a Q, AQ wins :puke63rd

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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair Finished in 17th, I fought my way back rightly after losing most of my stack to JJ v my KK. My over aggression cost me in the end when I run into AQs v my A7. Still my first points on the board as I missed the last game. Had Tallulah on my table but didn't realise he was a bounty or i'd have him all in with any 2 cards:rollin correction came 15th:ok

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair

Full up ...... and I missed my place again. Gonna have to give up on work just to play in these:cry
Here's a thought... is there no way we could set something up so that those who can't get registered for the likes of this, due to work etc., can get someone else to do it for them? Might help to maximise PL numbers in tourneys! :unsure
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