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Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair


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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair Out but should have lasted longer. Lost a chunk of chips to lemonjon when let my full house after the flop go to the river which gave him a straight flush. Last two hands: folded A4os on my BB cos one raise and a call to see a flop A64 (two clubs). Original raiser raised again and got a fold so hand went no further and won't know if I had him beat, but was still in my head when got 33 on SB and went all in after Axx on flop to see same guy with AQ. Good Luck all still in :hope and on to next week for me :sad

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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair just knocked Hillyfish - bounty out :nana:nana:nana

Seat 1: amdeliver (3600 in chips) Seat 4: vvega (2388 in chips) Seat 5: PL-Lady (281 in chips) Seat 9: HillyFish (545 in chips) vvega: posts small blind 150 PL-Lady: is all-in 281 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to PL-Lady [7h Ah] HillyFish: raises to 545 and is all-in amdeliver: calls 545 vvega: calls 395 ----- FLOP ----- [7c 7s 6d] vvega: checks amdeliver: checks ----- TURN ----- [7c 7s 6d][Kc] vvega: checks amdeliver: checks ----- RIVER ----- [7c 7s 6d Kc][Kh] vvega: checks amdeliver: checks ----- SHOW DOWN ----- vvega: shows [Td As] (Two Pairs, Kings and Sevens, Ace high) PL-Lady: shows [7h Ah] (A Full House, Sevens full of Kings) HillyFish: mucks hand [Tc Jd] amdeliver: mucks hand [6h 4c] vvega collects 792 from Side pot #1 PL-Lady collects 1124 from Main pot :nana:nana

then went out in 106 with my QQ next hand . :puke

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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair

Out and playing rubbish!!!! Then out of the Tikay tournament playing rubbish again!!!! Now playing rubbish in a cash game!!!!!! I think there's a common thread to my play at the moment.:wall :wall :wall
Yeah, I always get accused of going out too much as well;)
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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair

You will be able to sign up here - http://www.betfairpoker.com/pokerplayer.
The microsite is now up and running. Details are there of the "bonus" prizes - tonight there are 10 chip sets available (drawn at random!!). On 5th June, theres a $6,000 holiday on the head of J_Unknown :loon Signing up will get you emailed the passwords :ok (and signing up is I believe compulsory to be counted in the leaderboard - don't know how strictly they'd enforce it, but why take the chance - only asks for name and alias!!!!)
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Re: Poker Player Grand Prix II @ Betfair loool @ moFace I don't think anyone else knows she is a bounty as she is being allowed to play "normally" - and there has been no chat at the table..... Suits me - If I have more chips (which I don't at the moment) I'm all in pre flop against her with any 2 cards ...... and if noone else knows she is a bounty, a good chance of isolating...........

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