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Will Hill Poker - $25,000 added - Saturday 15th April


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This looks great value............limited to 2000 players........Registration is already open........ Make sure that you enter this Saturday's Easter Cracker tournament (20:00 BST). We will be adding a whopping $25,000 to the prize pool, making a potential prize pool of $75,000. Plus, as an exclusive to all William Hill customers, we will give any of our players who reach the final table an extra $1,000! Buy-in for the tournament is $25 + $2 but there are only 2,000 seats available, so if you want to be in the money you should register early to avoid disappointment. Registration is available now in the MTT section of the poker lobby.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Will Hill Poker - $25,000 added - Saturday 15th April Sod it why not. Will be my highest buy in but won £135 on there a couple of days ago in an MTT so may as well have a bash. I'm registered :ok

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Re: Will Hill Poker - $25,000 added - Saturday 15th April Worked really hard to get over 4k in chips then blew the lot with one manic play. AQ on the button, there was a small raise to me, I flat called. Flop came Qxx, the initial raiser bet 1k, I re-raised all in. Of course he threw over KK. This is a problem I can't seem to stop. The warning signs were there but I still couldn't put down a strong hand. I guess thats what makes a really great online player compared to an average dude like myself.

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