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WHAT HAVE I DONE! Advice Needed


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Ok so I have never made a cash deposit at Stan James so I shouldnt be that annoyed but here is the story. A few weeks ago I came fifth in the free-roll and got $36. Since then I had been breaking even on SNG's, until firday when I started trying the .05/.10 cash games. I worked my way up to $60 with a lot of stupid plays along the way, I'll admit. Today I sat down with $5 and worked it up to $20, I was the second highest on the table the other guy had about $30. Then all of a sudden he started going all-in on every hand. I picked up Ak suited and called his all-in on the fifth occasion. He turns over 10-2 off-suit. He flops a 10 and Im busted. Then I go on semi-tilt and lose another $10 in around 15mins. I stupidly decide to risk the $50 I have left at the 0.25/.50 table to make up for the losses. I crashed and burned :@ and now have $2 left in the account. What do I do now? (my sig should now read poker profit 2 measly dollars)

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Re: WHAT HAVE I DONE! Advice Needed Ouch, but you have to learn from it, it could've been much, much, much worse. In reality you're still $2 up - start again:hope Hands up those people who haven't gone OTT and lost the lot because of tilt?:wall :\ :loon

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Re: WHAT HAVE I DONE! Advice Needed ...well... I know it hurts... I have been in huge pots at SO, won pots over 700 bucks... and lost huge pots aswell, not THAT huge though... thank god... But... my advise is... You can go back in... and dont bring more dollars than you are prepared to lose!!!! Then wait for the good hands... AA, KK, AK (I know you lost with that, and it IS just ace high) If you got interesting hands... like small suited connectors, JT or whatever you find interesting... call and see the flop...and walk away if nothing comes for you... If you get the good hands, raise preflop, so you wont have to fight a lot of players. I don't know how bluffing works on low stake tables, I have huge succes with it at 1/2 or 2/4 dollar tables... If you flop flush draws, or open ended str8's I would chase them, because if it comes you're in for a big payout... Well... just my thoughts... maybe a bit confusing... but hey... GL

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Re: WHAT HAVE I DONE! Advice Needed Well, ok Thats not a good day at the office. But you;ve proved you can make money once and I'm sure you can do it again. My best advice? Never take your whole bankroll to a table and if you feel even a bit tilty, log off and do something else (hehe, says queen of tilt) Now cheer up and don't do it again!

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Re: WHAT HAVE I DONE! Advice Needed Sounds very nasty, have doen it myself on more than one occasion. Golden rule with poker and any other form of betting : NEVER CHASE A LOSS. If you feel you must then take a break first get some fresh air etc and that should help stop you going ott.

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Re: WHAT HAVE I DONE! Advice Needed

Golden rule with poker and any other form of betting : NEVER CHASE A LOSS.
sums it up totally, but will put my hand up to having gone against this myself and been burnt :wall - its happened, you cant do anything about it now. Head up mate - enjoy your 2 dollars and see where it gets you. :ok
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