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Team North Local Hero Thread


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Re: Team North Local Hero Thread After some awful play I started getting lucky only 4 played my table knocked lillars out with my a 3 when he had a 9. then finished both pene and avongirl out. Sat with 10 q. called pene's JJ all in then avon called with a 10. Yep caught a queen. happy days

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Re: Team North Local Hero Thread Oh dear! What is going on. After such a good performance in the 1st round, we've all gone to pot! At least we seem to be consistent this round, all around the 4th mark! Lulling them into a false sense of security again lads?

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Re: Team North Local Hero Thread

yeah, poor show really......our wins wiped out by our 4ths and 5ths call me harsh, but with the players we have, i expect better! well done the 3 winners, but shame on you others!
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin Morls is getting his whip out????
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Re: Team North Local Hero Thread If you join 'em beat 'em thats what I always say...... oh no hang on I might have got that wrong now I come to think on it!! Oh what the hell lets go for it, can't be any more painfull than watching Sunderland play this season and I paid for that!!!

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Re: Team North Local Hero Thread

lets face it' date=' any more performances like this one from us, and we may join the mackems in div 1[/quote'] Now thats just uncalled for:@ I replace a winning team member, perform beyond all expectations and win my game achieving only the third win my home town has experienced this season and the abuse is directed at me and my kin!! Forshame Mr Captain, forshame
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Re: Team North Local Hero Thread haha, sorry mate, im just a lil gutted after all the effort we put in getting a team together, 3 wins was great, but the underpar scores of some of our beter players must be seen as a defeat come on lads, next time we gotta sit tight and play like our lives depend on it....afterall...can u imagine the next year with pene as champion?

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Re: Team North Local Hero Thread No worries Morls,a lot gutted myself to be honest, was very lucky to finish 1st (was down to 390 chips at one point) and dished out a few very bad beats to Milou in the HU. When I got 1st was so chuffed that I hadn't let the team down I really expected us to be top still and now I find we might have dropped to third! :sad

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