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Newcastle poker night 20th May

slick mick

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Re: Newcastle poker night 20th May Thanks very much Paul and Mick for a marvellous night. Just want to reitterate what everyone has said before me, met some great people from the originally named lesjohnson to a crazy fool called pokerjace! Never seen a poker face like laidbackbloke :D Played poker for around 4 or 5 hours finishing 7th then 5mins on roulette and i'm up £50 where's the justice!! Good to see people making an effort to come to these events from down south and further a field. e4sby did get into bother about the free drinks :rollin Well done Morls :dude, just realised its Monday not Sunday!

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Re: Newcastle poker night 20th May Thanks to Paul & Mick for putting it all together - great night! Congrats to morlspin on his win (perhaps he can sleep now - I know I have been zzzzz). Good to put names to faces - when's the next one :clap

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Re: Newcastle poker night 20th May some odd things were seen - cockney makem, a retired matrix character, slick mick looking nothing like that photo and Spiderman??- but the strangest thing only the York people saw - who was Johnny Foreigner and is he staying at your house Paul :rollin :rollin :rollin

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Re: Newcastle poker night 20th May

some odd things were seen - cockney makem' date=' a retired matrix character, slick mick looking nothing like that photo and Spiderman??- but the strangest thing only the York people saw - who was Johnny Foreigner and is he staying at your house Paul :rollin :rollin :rollin[/quote'] Well, you don't look anything like your photo either...:tongue2
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Re: Newcastle poker night 20th May Well a big thanks to Mick and Paul for this night :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap After 2 days solid drinking , minimal sleep and the fact we started drinking again at the hotel bar when we arrived in Newcastle (and spent hours cracking up about the "slovakian incident" )its safe to say i didn't view the constest as an entirely serious affair :lol , which made it a really enjoyable night. I had a great laugh in a game that was played in really good spirits. (mine were double vodkas) It was also good to meet some new faces ............................though unfortunately there wasn't enough time to speak to everyone properly :sad I'm sure no-one wanted to be the first out, but we didn't really have time to worry about it as with typical generosity Paul went out in the first hand saving anyone else the uncertainty :tongue2 admittedly he did wander around the casino in a daze for about half an hour muttering "you wouldn't fold pocket kings would you?" to inanimate objects .................... but he quickly recovered :lol I eventually went out on the bubble which meant i got a copy of Doyle Brunsens super system ..................... which also had a receipt in it with all of Micks maestro card details :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek ........................... i had no idea the bubble prize was going to be that good :tongue2 :lol :lol :lol :lol (you might want to check next time :lol ) congrats to all who made the money and i hope we do this again sometime, somewhere ( though not until my liver recovers) :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap now i'm going to try and write something for the York thread, so at the rate i type it will probably be ready around a week on thursday :lol

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Re: Newcastle poker night 20th May you cant have read that book already have you???? geez you must have a masters degree for that:rollin just like to say it was a blast to have you sitting next to me,made for a quite entertaining night mate,hope to see you at the next one:cow

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Re: Newcastle poker night 20th May :loon send me a few pictures laidbackbloke then a can really work on my game of reading faces:loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon this is as close as i could get to you { might play you on line , it will be sooooooooooo much easier } i had a real blast cant wait to do it again well worth a 700 plus mile round trip#

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