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I got this so wrong...


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I think the mistake I made here was taking *guapa* for a muppet. Any comments/criticisms? This hurt!! :wall

Hand #248510973 at table: Table TH Mini Started: Tue Mar 28 22:07:12 2006 scheka is at seat 1 with 22.48 siwo is at seat 2 with 32.89 ray 9 is at seat 3 with 60.30 *guapa* is at seat 4 with 10.71 Fercsi is at seat 5 with 28.07 ULUSAS is at seat 6 with 0.00 teketektek is at seat 7 with 1.02 PLBrael2a is at seat 8 with 15.90 Rødbeden is at seat 9 with 2.21 truelogic2 is at seat 10 with 52.82 Fercsi posts the large blind 0.25 *guapa* posts the small blind 0.12 *guapa*: --, -- Fercsi: --, -- teketektek: --, -- PLBrael2a: 8h, 8s Rødbeden: --, -- truelogic2: --, -- scheka: --, -- siwo: --, -- ray 9: --, -- Pre-flop: teketektek: Call 0.25 PLBrael2a: Call 0.25 Rødbeden: Call 0.25 truelogic2: Fold scheka: Fold siwo: Call 0.25 ray 9: Fold *guapa*: Call 0.25 Fercsi: Check Flop (Board: 2s, 7c, 2d): *guapa*: Bet 0.25 Fercsi: Fold teketektek: Fold PLBrael2a: Call 0.25 Rødbeden: Fold siwo: Raise 1.25 *guapa*: Call 1.25 PLBrael2a: Call 1.25 Turn (Board: 2s, 7c, 2d, 2h): *guapa*: Check PLBrael2a: Check siwo: Bet 2.50 *guapa*: Raise 5.00 PLBrael2a: Call 5.00 siwo: Call 5.00 River (Board: 2s, 7c, 2d, 2h, 8c): *guapa*: All in PLBrael2a: Call 4.33 siwo: Call 4.33 Showdown: *guapa* shows: Kc, 2c (four of a kind, Deuces)
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Re: I got this so wrong... I don't think you did much wrong there........was an unlikely hand for him to have, and on an 8 high board every chance he'd do that with an overpair/top pair, even a bluff. The indicators were possibly there but it's hard to lay the second nuts on the basis that your opponent has quads, certainly on that board....

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Re: I got this so wrong... Yep agree, don't think you could necessary put him on a 2, the check-raise on the turn when he hits the quad would still only make you think over pair (or a 7) and the wouldn't have put him on a big pair as he was so weak all the way through. Think that he has just called as there was no preflop raise and caught some cards. Would you have folded if you hadn't caught the 8 on the river?

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Re: I got this so wrong... Agree with the others, it's a crappy hand in the end. But you were very passive, a decent pre-flop raise would be good as you don't want to be against a lot of opponents with 88. If you make a good raise pre-flop I think you could eliminate someone playing a 2, unless they are a muppet:D. Also it's a decent flop, but because it's paired is a little scary, so raising would be my play, then a re-raise would have put me off. The guy would have probably ended up all in anyway, so not much you could do about it really if you really liked it:sad

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Re: I got this so wrong... The lack of a pre-flop raise on my part was the bit that got me. I had previously been dealt KK and raised the pot to shorten the field. I picked up 2 callers, one of them the same opponent who had opened the betting with a flat call. The flop brings QQ* and he moves all-in. Figuring KK is good, I call, only for him to show AA. Turn and river cards are no help and he takes the pot. When he re-raised post river against my 88 hand, I was thinking he's holding quads but at the same time thinking there's no way he's going to be holding a marginally better hand again! I'm convinced it was just a bad night at the tables now! :eek Thanks for the input guys! :cheers

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Re: I got this so wrong... I'm gonna disagree here - 88 is a great hand to limp call with in this position, after others have entered the pot. 88 is an ok hand but not one I would be raising with after limpers because they will call. If I was first to enter the pot then I would raise with it. With 88 you are hoping to spike trips, or get the overpair to a low flop, because if you raise to early limpers who call and the flop is A Q 6 rainbow you have no idea where you are, and a continuation bet will get called and you still don't know if they have a pair or draw. Yes in this case a raise PF might well have driven out the K2s, but it would not be the 'right' play from my perspective YMMV. And now I agree! you have to raise on the flop here as you have the overpair, if you get called you have to judge on the turn/river, if you get reraised then thats a REAL tricky call, by not raising you let others draw to all kind of freaky hands, one of which will probably beat you, so raise and define your position. at the end after the AI by the villian, why no shove for your last $5 or so? at the moment you don't know if you are winning, so shove and hope the other guy calls and you win the side pot at least Just my thoughts Damo

Agree with the others' date=' it's a crappy hand in the end. But you were very passive, a decent pre-flop raise would be good as you don't want to be against a lot of opponents with 88. If you make a good raise pre-flop I think you could eliminate someone playing a 2, unless they are a muppet:D. Also it's a decent flop, but because it's paired is a little scary, so raising would be my play, then a re-raise would have put me off. The guy would have probably ended up all in anyway, so not much you could do about it really if you really liked it:sad[/quote']
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Re: I got this so wrong... I was thinking about the idea of a pre-flop raise here when I first read the hand, and I probably would have raised, but I didn't mention it because my reasons for raising weren't to take other people out of the pot/thin the field, so I don't think it's a sign of how well brael played the hand. In a loose passive game, and only a cash game, I like to put in a small raise on any pocket pair, all the way down to deuces, as a value raise. People get easily committed to pots with a few chips in the middle in those games so I'm raising to give myself leverage to build a big pot on those 1 in 8 times when I hit my set, have just found it profitable to do so. And there are quite a lot of flops that will otherwise be attractive without hitting a set. The limp is fine though, I agree it's a bad idea to raise just on the strength of the hand as you're odds on to see overcards on the flop.

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