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FAO PAUL ROSS-GotaFancy-Valiant23.


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This post was made on the GOALPOKER thread today...................

post_new.gif Today, 13:02 #274
morlspin Morlspin is God Punter ball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifavatar8221_6.gif Join Date: 28 Dec 2005 Location: Newcastle Posts: 923 im_yahoo.gif icon1.gifRe: Goal Poker
Dear Graeme,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

We apologise if you think that the prize is not worth what you thought but actually we offered to pay for travel expenses, and we were not expecting that the winner will be living in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Newcastle.

As a gesture to show our will to satisfy our players, we will send you a signed Newcastle ball for your collection.

Unfortunately no representative of Goalpoker will attend the game in NUFC.

As you seem to be a great player (and winner) on our website, and we are grateful about it, please have a look on our terms and conditions that should clarify some of your questions.

Best Regards

Goalpoker Team So sorry chelski, looks like i cant pass on any emails etc __________________ I AM THE UNDEFEATED!!!! Wednesday 15th March Heads Up Champion:nana
this post was made on the same thread previously...........................
post_old.gif 07-03-2006, 13:40 #192
Goalpoker Newbie Punter avatar8897_1.gif Join Date: 15 Feb 2006 Posts: 10 icon1.gifRe: Goal Poker
1. Ive made an offer to meet the forum manager/morlspin and answer all queries. 2. I have made a commitment to resolve the issues raised and meet to allay your fears and concerns. "there would be no problems with YOU printing this thread off and not only presenting it to "the powers that be" at GOAL POKER" "i am fully aware that it would not improve the situation" 3. I own Goalpoker. I take this criticism levelled at my site personally and will ensure my product excels. I cannot react to anything other than fact. I have no desire to get into an online war of words with you guys so, I will make no further posts until I have met with Morlspin and the forum manager on the 19th. I will ensure the meeting time/place allows for plenty of time to see the match.
user_offline.gifreport.gif quote.gif quickreply.gif
I made my position very clear in this matter and about what i intended to do if the situation was not addressed. GOAL POKER have treated this whole episode with contempt and disdain and i now intend to proceed with the actions I mentioned on the thread AND MORE! I feel that when i do it may impact on this Forum and i have no wish to put yourselves or PL in a position whereby my actions are associated with you. Before i do i would appreciate any advice you could give, here or via PM if its easier. Once this is done, I also intend to delete my membership of this Forum untill this matter is resolved so as not to involve it further. I will PM all details of the "Team Poker" tourney i have done so far to one of you,so it can be continued by someone else and hope that i can return in the future. To all the friends i have made on here, thankyou for the support you have shown in this matter and i hope to see on the Tables some where, sometime. Stay Lucky. C.R.
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Re: FAO PAUL ROSS-GotaFancy-Valiant23. Chelski I've not seen the original thread and don't really know what this is about, but there is no reason why you should withdraw membership of PL until after this is resolved. Quite simply, keep your communications private with whoever needs be and leave them off the PL forum. You're a character that PL needs and don't let something like this stop you being involed with PL or the games we all participate in. :ok Oh, and also because you provide the biccies in the private games. ;)

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